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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. Veni, Vidi, Vici

  2. Because no one responded yet. i accidentally made a topic if this caliber. IMO the movie was goo! the gci was on point and it gave that star wars galaxy feel. and im pretty sure the sequel (cause c'mon guys you all know they will make a sequel) will tell us more about some of the cast such as kylo ren's master and how the force chick (cause i dont know the name) is gonna be trained in some badsass ninja moves!
  3. Im dumb.

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      Your not dumb your sinikuro013

  4. Ah a fellow stalker! (though i was one for like two or three days before joining the community ) welcome to reborn!
  5. Happy birthday flux! I know we havent talked to each other alot but Happy birthday anyways!
  6. Out of the kindness of my heart! ~ <3

  7. I already know we are gonna get along! /me is a fellow american/Filipino either way welcome to the reborn forums! enjoy your time here ok? see you around
  8. Why would I get a new years resolution, if I'm not going to fulfill it anyway? ha, like I will ever go out with my crush... ;-;
  9. OK from what I know this was done by a minecraft mod. Your best bet, is to ask murdoc about this. Have a nice day!
  10. So i currently am stuck on ariel for like the past idk... TWO WEEKS some help? i know she prefers triples and that my pokemon can genrally ohko her... but i keep losing. any tips?
  11. well... in my opinion you should name your team yourself so you have a little personality to it. but if your feeling not creative, here; muk: Sue Nami (f) T' Idal (m) drag: drag queen (f) drag king (m) drap: Priscella (f) Scorpio (m) nido: Pinnacle tenta: Behemoth (f) Guru (m) .... you should really define the genders of your pokemon. fear not, as you have seen i included both genders (if applicable) (also get a garbodor, its more useful than you think)
  12. was gonna take flandere Chan but okay.... Um anyone you think is best for me murdoc I guess.
  13. so... i just got RPG maker XP... how to make a pockyman game?

    1. RaymondNotRay


      You've got it too? Sweet.

  14. Um i got undertale like 3 mins ago. naming my CHARActer now (i have watched the bad time route before :c) so ye this is gonna be fun and shit. (aiming for true paci)
  15. Also do note that you can have more than one account. though it isnt really recommended because of keeping track of the passwords, it is a nice thing to have if you want a change of names! also do not worry about your teams being deleted through your accounts, it is connected via IP adress, so you should be fine!
  16. Still the morning of christmas eve here in the western hemisphere, but merry christmas to all!
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