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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. K murdoc. i wanna skin. (btw what program do you use. all the mc skin edit programs i use are shit lmao.) source of my awesome skin:
  2. Uh pasunias, if you really want a good price for rpg maker xp, just wait for steam summer sale. i have seen the price of rpg maker go down from 25 something dollars (us) to like 4 dollars (us) so, uh just wait till then~
  3. all these OP dlc characters that i want. RIP wallet.

  4. OMG ROSE! my fellow music lover and the chillest flower has gained an age!
  6. On the road to 1000 posts, on the road to 1000 posts, take one down edit it around, on the road to 1000 posts~

    1. Arkhi


      On the road to 999 posts, on the road to 999 posts, take one down edit it around, on the road to 999 posts~

  7. Well then! Welcome to the reborn forums bro!
  8. Do I see a Naruto fan? Heh. Welcome to reborn!
  9. mfw my cut up mangoes are left out in the open while i was at school and new they are stale... like bro. at least the person who took it out could have put it back in the fridge lmao.

  10. Why did you change your name from shing to oblivion? and why the tilde at the end?
  11. Happy birthday kyoyo! Have a good one!
  12. Nice changes! If we were to post a sound cloud song in the music thread, it would have to be in a spoiler right?
  13. damn. -please. dont make me laugh -get gud.
  14. Hexagoen


    Why do you always have avatars of Irl celebs?
  15. Welcome to reborn yo! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  16. -I would sue gamefreak for not recognizing the power that is diggersbytho. ...Why did you videotape yourself in the first place? .pix ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Damn. i want to see this. honchkrows are a gang? damn i thought they were just some nobs not a gang... not to say they are any better~ -"climate change is a hoax!" -Donald trump 2k15 (seriously tho, just as long as it doesn't cause any major issues up here, like 110 degree shit im good.) -you go in or all out. no middle ground. -let the US stay on the top. it is doing a good job of that. -they wouldn't be great powers if they weren't smaller ones first. the big shots know what to do. -...im still salty from that last match. -420 -physics is your mom, scrub~ --- i'll answer any other question tomorrow. i'm tired.
  17. Jif b/c i like peanut butter. gif isnt a word.
  18. ....tried to not be a sellout. well, i did this back when the original ama wave happened, but whatevs. that age is over. so newcomers, and oldpeople alike, ask me anything!
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