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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. why is the one eye of that girl in your avatar yellow??? its killing my ocd ;A;
  2. what do the words on your avatar translate to? (in both weeb speak and actual english) ~
  3. If you had one thing left to do on this world, what would it be?
  4. What made you choose the name pineapple over other names?
  5. Tis the season of reborn history and heritage!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      vinny why are you so hostile towards me :[

    3. Vinny


      can only show love through hate

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      not sure if <3 or :[

  6. For being a member here for so long what made you stay this long?
  7. What are your opinions on the changes to reborn over the years? do you consider it a good change or a bad change given the events that have happened in this timespan?
  8. In your time in the reborn league, which leader was the most challenging, who was the easiest?
  9. if you were to be auth and make just one change here, what would you do?
  10. you play league right? what is your favorite champion, and what can you suggest to a newbie bronze like me?
  11. What do you consider your most important achievement here?
  12. shia... over the past year, you have done so much for the community! you have grown and impressed us time to time, with great feats like the amount of quality sprites you make on a constant basis! i really hope to see you grow even further and reach for the stars! also, your a really nice person on showdown. we should totes chat more!
  13. ody, you a re a great contributor to the forums! and a very nice person to talk to! i expect great things from you!
  14. yooo! whats up ice! (i dont know you yet, but still you seem like a cool person! also, thanks for making the wdyll thread so we can all post how ugly we look~) anyways, what made you come back?
  15. so... yang vs merc. i like it. two melee fighters going head to head. now roosterteeth, don't pull a coco for this match pretty please? i know these matches are staged for the bad guys to win, but still... this is a freaking main character ;A; also, that cryptic message from ozpin. it is pretty much confirmed at this point that pyrrha is gonna be in the middle of all of this. from merc 'fighting' her and figuring out her semblance to ozpin -probably- making her their 'guardian' she is probably gonna have to make some important decision sooner or later. this season is getting pretty hype guys! im excited to what roosterteeth pulls next
  16. NOMinations: J4ck frost: Arkhidon, Chaise (hunter), and Dan Polar monarch: SHIA and Kuro-tsundere (kurotsune for the confused) Snow queen: my gal rose, and zumidesu, RookieMVP: mde2001, chubb, and Alicirno MVP: Trevo, Commander, Tacos Server Ace: Haven Pyrrhon, Caradius, Lost Lore T3RR4 Award: Rupe, Neo and Dobby Best fangame 2k15: se7en by a longshot. pokemon scribe (by the now inactive sunbean) in close second. #toolazytoorganizethis
  17. yo! welcome to reborn! have a nice time here grandmasterskoo!
  18. Welcome to reborn! enjoy your stay here!
  19. basically all the routes leading to saffron city. they were boring and short. even though this was made back in the 90's and there were map limits and all that shit, here could have been a secret twist or something. it was just a place to plow through :/
  20. OK. OK. OKOKOK. new episode. tl;dr couldn't run 720p b/c shitty computer, but hey cool trumpet dude and chill terra chic. also the battle theme. dayum. anyways, another battle with robot girl and new accomplice. nice.(even though robot chick did all the fighting lmao) was a pretty decent episode, best part was the killer music not gonna lie.
  21. In the rose stream. there are the people commenting for the performance, the one telling the others some shit. the ones talking smack about brass >:[... and diana here posting memes left and right~

    1. Vinny


      Went there for Rose; Stayed for the music.

    2. Tacos
    3. Rosesong


      That's woodwind players for you Sini... Thank you!

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