So tell me how I didn't find about this till today wtf.
General Info: Known as: Sinikuro/ !Sin! Gender: Male Birthday: March 20th Location: US, near NYC Height: 5ft 7 Lives with: Parents Pets: none Relationship status: single Favourite Food: Ramen Favourite Drink: Cookies and Creme milkshake from this one place at my local mall, and its literally the best thing ever Favourite Color: Greyscale Favourite kind of Music: no favorites, but I do favor Contemporary Jazz, Contemporary era musical works, rap that has actual meaning and rhythm, and modern pieces that push the musical world to new levels with innovation and creativity. Favourite Band: The Cadets ;D Favourite Game: playing myself Favourite Genre of Game: strategy/ rhythm Favourite Hobbies: sleep
Community questions: So, who are you?: Im Sini, I first came here around March of 2015 following the Shofu craze that swept this community, and for better or worse I stayed. I wish I could say that I had a positive influence on this community, or that I was a mod or a dev at some point who did something but no, I was never that person with extraordinary leadership or talent. Maybe its just destined for me to be... me, idk maybe I push too hard, maybe im not the talent I claim to be but anyways. Im here, and I do stuff I guess.
Anything you're responsible for? That one time I was the mod of the Reborn Minecraft server, THAT I WANT TO REVIVE, BUT NO ONE PLAYS ANYMORE :CCCCC
If you had to choose one of your posts as your way to introduce yourself, which would it be? None, I'd like to believe that me from 2015 is completely different than the me from... now. Im a different person, and my old posts reflect a side of me that is alien to who I am now.
What can I talk to you about? Technology, Videogames, Pokemon, Music.
Closing statements? Hi.
"Don't trust anything a random stranger says online. Hell, they could secretly be a 46 y/o man in detroit."
-Artemis, Ready Player One