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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ROSE BRINGING THAT DEEP SHIT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    1. Rosesong


      Thank you Sini!

  2. つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ROSE TAKE MY MEMERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  3. I guess this league isn't meant for me. i tried.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hexagoen


      i fucking lost against a leader who had not wins and now against this leader who has fucking hax.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Discharge spam came as a surprise, everyone can get caught off guard. Hax is a roll of RNGesus's dice. Don't give in.

    4. Simon


      ^ This. Just gotta keep trying man. It took me like 3-5 tries to beat Amaria in the Reborn League and it was very frustrating when I got close, but failed. Use that frustration to think of a game plan before entering the battle.

  4. Isnt today gorgeous?

  5. Hi there! Your new here aren't you? Well I guess Lil ol me is going to have to teach you how things work around here~ Nah. I'll just leave it to the reborn community to guide you. Enjoy your stay here!
  6. Im ashamed of my battling skills.

    1. zimvader42


      I should too but....eh....

    2. BreezyPonie


      Always take faith in knowing that, no matter who you are, there are always 100 people (including myself) worse than you.

  7. The first step of solving a conflict is recognizing there is one.

    1. laggless01


      A smart person solves a problem. A genius avoids it.

  8. Do not know anything about this. single ftw. clean and fast.
  9. ...am i obliged to do the league? or at least do some battles? jsut wanna know~
  10. Thank you noivy for showing us, the new members the history of this community! no, seriously, you brought up so many points of things i didn't even know about! like i knew there was a reborn league once like a zillion years ago, but i didn't know there was a comic! also, welcome back to being an active member again!
  11. Optimism is a necessity to conquer the pessimists and downcast in life.

    1. Hexagoen


      Rating ourselves on a statistic wont make anything better.

  12. well damn. it is sad to see members like you, mael, anethia, and many others recently leave to name a few. i myself am a fairly new member (new enough to be here after the shofu boom) but i have been here long enough and have had the experience from other communities to understand what your decision is fueled by. its saddening to see you go, especially since you were and are a valuable part of the reborn community and have contributed an enormous effort of dedication to an ever changing community. i wish you luck on where you will go after this, and understand that this place will always be considered your home. adios~
  13. Hey ama! happy birthday yo! go and enjoy yourself somewhere. trust me on this yo. and take it easy!
  14. Welcome to reborn! also, to answer your question, to get moneys, mainly you post. posting in certain threads (the wasteland/onyx arcade) benets you no money or posts as explained here posting in other threads usually gets you 7 to 13 rupees i think. also, if you are persistent in getting your trainer sprite in there, try replacing the sprite of the trainer you are using with your trainer card sprite, USING THE EXACT SAME IMAGE NAME ON THERE or else it wont work. tbh i honestly recommend just using the normal sprites, because they look good, they work. and you can play the game with them.
  15. welcome to reborn ryan! i really hope you do enjoy your stay here! have a seat and let the times roll yo!
  16. Wish a very happy birthday to our favorite scrub omega raider! (or whatever alt he is using right now lmao)
  17. Im sorry everyone.

  18. uh quick question: is there a way for us the members to toggle seeing the posts in the wasteland? (once it is implemented that is) some of us want to be notified of the dank memes yo.
  19. well, are you running reborn with programs in the background? (like a browser or some other game) if so, when you play reborn. try exiting out of those programs and the game's lag should clear up. either that, or the processor you have is shit.
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