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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. ok scrubs. lemme increase my killcount. gender: male Username: Aang the Airmemer
  2. more proof that reborn con has to happen. dayum that burger...
  3. LMAO --- as i have a close friend who's hair is red (she is a redhead, not one of those hipsters who dye their hair >>) i can confirm your hair is indeed red. cased closed.
  4. btw, rages, its [spoiler.] something here (without the period) it is a bb code format here lel. also good luck rages!
  5. Hold up. RWBY theme?! Y'all have successfully convinced me to do this league now. (I'll post my team later. Be prepared scrubs)
  6. For all of you saying how they would focus in speed, how would it matter that you can run fast if you can hit shit? "attacking is the greatest defense" I just wanna hit things. Nothing else matters... Except maybe bulk :/
  7. go and search in the start bar for your device manager and it should be there. for example, when i look at processors, i see that i have an AMD radeon r4 graphic card (that i need to change soon) hope this helps!
  8. If there's one thing you could do to make the world a better place, what would that thing be? [11/17/2015] Not type in this font.
  9. to go and expand on what godot said (and neo) this thread is about hilda (hunter) coming out. can you all please focus on that instead of putting your opinions on why hunter should be auth or not. i really didnt want to see this thread turn sour... so please, chill.
  10. not gonna make this long. got places to be, people to meet. that aside, i want to say this. honestly, i don't care if you lied to us, hunter.I don't care how cowardly you were back then. you helped me, as we have and will continue to help you. As i read through the logs long ago, i was and am inspired by your intense faith in christanity. it helped me reestablish my faith in a religion that i had almost abandoned. thank you hunter, for helping me. and for that, i and the rest of reborn will continue to support you! cya around sometime!
  11. well then, hello! hope to see you around!
  12. Downloading league. what exactly am i getting into?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I could explain but it would take awhile. However, do know this. You'll either regret it or think it's a great decision. ANd you'll constantly flux in bewteen those two things as long as you paly it probably.

    2. pbood2


      what Hukuna said. The community can be a problem so don't let them get to you if you make a mistake. I wish you luck though. :D

    3. foovy10


      learn the game and understand it before you judge. not only for league but every game

  13. GUYS. Next episode, Coco Adel makes an appearance since the end of season 2. HYPE!!!!! (if y'all didn't know already, Coco is my RWBY waifu <3)
  14. Happy Birthday, to my favorite Shulk cosplayer, and expert at deemo/cytus!
  15. H O T L E G S

    1. Flux
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Who needs arms with legs like these?

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