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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. Til that it was papa franku who started the Harlem shake.
  2. Hexagoen


    welcome to reborn friend!
  3. as wendel viciously attacked me while i was having me booty sleep, i would like a rematch where i kill wendel in the name of booty vengeance. rawr.
  4. for the first tie in foreverrrrrrr, i have changed my profileeeeeee~

    1. Maelstrom


      Doing that is free. What were the 55 rupees in aid of?

    2. Solarance


      Voice on showdown.

  5. ...anyone have 55 rupees to spare? please

  6. sure, people can complain about how atrocious these people are, and i wholeheartedly agree. however, it is still our fault, not just theirs. the security, in that place, must have been (as i assume) vulnerable. the terrorists who did this took advantage of that fact. honestly, we should be at the blame, for not being prepared enough for this. that is not to say that the personnel who are currently solving this case are bad, it is just that we should have foreseen this sooner, and prevented this in the first place. just my opinion on this. rest in peace to the dozens of the victims who are dead, and the many more who are wounded by this intolerable act.
  7. finished watching all of sao for the first time. was very impressed. also the roller coaster of emotions close to the end...

    1. Flux



      I love that series. Am hyped for the 2016 original movie and (likely) season 3!

    2. foovy10


      yeah season 3 is confirmed and there is likely gonna be a season 4. I heard about a ps4 game but not a movie tho link please?

  8. I DELIVER THE GOODS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  9. is it too greedy of me to ask for sme rupees for a name change item on showdown?

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      not if you dirt poor and are an ace member.

    2. Hexagoen


      i am dirt poor and i am an ace member ;-;

  10. unless i am sadist enough to hook up my pokemon to a death machine to enhance its abilities while also killing it in the process, i will not hook up carbink-kun to a pulse ;-; even if it means it can have even more OP defence.
  11. Ok, so i have been tabbing on and off with this fangame... can anyone give me a basic summary of what has happened so far? i wanna get interested in this again, but i dont wanna read through 70+ pages ;-; thanks!
  12. mfw i wanna play fallout, but i dont have the budget/i dont own a xbox one/ps4...

    1. Combat


      It would be best to wait. As a day one release, there bound to be plenty of bugs and glitches.

    2. Vinny


      It's a Fallout game. There will be glitches forever.

      Also same @sini

    3. Tringus


      The glitches part applies to Elder Scrolls as well. There will forever be glitches and exploits such as the Fortify Restoration (What would I do without it besides punching people and dragons alike to death?)

  13. Welcome to reborn, fren! enjoy your stay here!
  14. ...i was honestly expecting it to be a fish at first... 10/10 pleasantly surprised EDIT: ... wow i am incompetent af ._.
  15. Pff- O-O Was about to go sleep, when I saw this. Congrats arkhidon! I expect great things from you
  16. Still doesn't top that one guy who beat madame x with only pre evo pokemon.
  17. new episode of RWBY... where art thou?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Dunno, but I ahve a feeling other people are waitin' for it too since RoosterTeeth's site is running super slow. ((was rewatching RvB yesterday and today, but haven't gotten much chance to get very far in RvB today since it's been so sloooooooow for me today XD.))

    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      there wasnt one today because of the 24 hour livestream

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oooooh yeeeeea... I forgot that was today. I don't typically watch those. THat's definitely why the traffic was still so heavy though. I'm assuming they have the stream on their site in some capacity lol.

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