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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. tl;dr, its a show more about acting expressions in front of a camera than actual cooking.
  2. for me, it want any boss battles, or gym leaders, it was cain, in the grand hall. yep. i hadn't played pokemon for however many months, and i kinda mistook growl as a attacking move... yep, you can guess how many times it took for me to realize you had to spam pound instead of growl XD
  3. Y'all are pussies. I did it once. It tasted amazing. There is nothing to be ashamed of by eating pizza with ketchup.
  4. Soo, haven't seen this on the sub-forum, so why not go and make one! basically, this is a place where you can post screenies of your minecraft adventure, such as cool builds, pixel art, and general derpiness (please put screenies in spoilers, to reduce lag~) ill start with this gem from modded: enjoy!
  5. actually, im pretty sure its suposed to be a clear weather... so see if it appears on a clear weather! it should work hope this helps~
  6. yes yes and yes. most of us on there wage war either way however, it is in your great interest that you do go and use the claim feature! it is a system that, after all, prevents greifing so that issues like this never happen in the first place lol. hope to see you soon, bear lord!~
  7. ok, one thing i have to ask: why are the questions tailored to adults? most of us here are in the age group of either doing school but not really having a job lol. also i feel as if none of us here are gonna know what aquaponics/hydroponics are. soo a little insight to as what they do, might help us answer your survey better, just a thought~ edit: then again, looking at the survey results, it might be just me who doesnt know this due to my ignorance/not caring. my bad.
  8. ok, thanks juu for suggesting me SAO... time to see this shitshow of anime chiches...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CURIE


      Just like Steven Universe, that was a show I thought I would like, but as I kept watching I realized more and more that it wasn't any good. And when I was done, I was ashamed that I had really watched the entire thing.

    3. Omega_Ra1der


      *adds in list of reasons to not watch SAO*

    4. Juniper


      You're welcome x.x

      I don't even know what an anime cliche is.

      This was THE FIRST anime that I ever watched and I happened to love it so it's a favorite of mine.

      If it's not your thing, it's not your thing.

  9. /me needs a new anime to watch

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grizzlybrand


      Did you hear about our lord and savior One Punch Man?

    3. Shamitako


      What Hiss said

      It also helps to know what sort of things you enjoy

    4. Juniper


      My friend just recommended I watch one-punch man. So I added it to my stupidly long list. I'll stop commenting now, this is probably a discussion more suited to the aforementioned anime threads.

  10. ok... ok.... o. k. how have i not seen this yet O-O this is by far one of the more ambitious projects here the artwork is top notch and is hella clean, and from that video, i have seen that you have put alot of effort into this! looking forward to a beta/demo soon enough!
  11. wow i am late here :/ doesn't matter. HAPPYBURFDAY HILDA-CHAN <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  12. that feel when you have two different that feel whens to follow >>
  13. (10/23/16) Uhh So i shall make a more... Professional version if this intro shortly, like once I get to it. (Mainly because the original intro looked kinda bad, kinda because this was made by a year younger me.) Oh my how times have changed. So tl;dr This is the thread for all things RWBY (though mainly going to be about season 4 shortly) Important stuff: (that is subject to change) Like right now (hotfix) If I do not get to this by the time episode 1 comes out, the rules for spoilers are going to be, keep all things related to the episode in spoilers for the first week (7 days for reference) of when the episode comes out. (reasoning behind this is because all of us interested in RWBY are not going to watch the episode within the first 24 hours. And I don't want the people who are sensitive about this stuff pissed.) Also dont bother putting spoilers on existing posts now, just for future ones. So for example if the first episode of Season 4 comes out at the 22nd of October, then spoilers should be put on information in threads related to the episode until at least the 29th. (by the way, if any of you staff, want to pretty this up/give more information about RWBY, feel free to do that.) ~~~ Anyways, y'all have fun talking about RWBY~ Peace. ~~~ For you new members, or old, for reference to do a spoiler do: [spoiler.] insert text [/spoiler.] (Remove the periods) Should look like this:
  14. as of e15 no one here really knows what story changes with fighting taka. so, i would say just go and fight him for the experience or not fight him if you don't wanna bother~ good luck!
  15. i just love how everyone is freaking out about not noticing sheep was on showdown when he left lol

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