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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. yes. ability capsules do change to all the abilities a pokemon can access.
  2. if it isnt too late, then join marching band! its a pretty cool experience imo and while you cant really take my word for it, kinda new to it myself, but from what i have experienced so far, it is hella fun <3
  3. ok, so at this store i frequently go to, the manager there knows me. so as soon as he sees me going towards the door to the store, he runs into the back. so that was confusing, until i step in, when, at that exact second, the regular music stops and suddenly i get rickrolled. gg XD

  4. /me leaves john cena pun welcome to reborn hope to see you around!
  5. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS also welcome to reborn hope to see you around~
  6. there are two people making a deal. a really big deal. one person wants to buy the other person's x products, as in the rights to the product and the production of more of that product. the problem is, the other person wants to keep the secrets of the production of the product because it involves some shady stuff that the other person could find out, and blame the person he bought the product from and make him go to jail. what, if you were that person who was presented with that offer? what would you do?
  7. ONE.... MORE.... POST....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowStar
    3. Arkhi


      No but really, posts in the Wasteland and Onyx Arcade don't count. If you're looking for the last, I suggest a post in the music thread.

    4. Shamitako


      So I cross my heart and I hope to die~

      That I'll only stay with you one more post~

  8. alternatively, if your not that far from the factory arc of the game, you can reload the save from that point and take the steps to get the ditto then and play up to your current point. well, this is if you want the ditto now. you can always wait till later, besides the two opportunities to get ditto aren't that far apart, just four gym badges to go through~ hope this helps
  9. ok. i think the problem here is that the OP cannot go back to e16 due to OP not being able to defeat ciel in battle. i think the solution here is to post your team and we can help you defeat ciel by working out the nooks and crannies of your team. hope this helps~
  10. *cliche alert* shofu. i know what your thinking. not the best person to emulate upo, but this dude, this dude is funny. he may bot be the best at games, but he makes up for it by having comedic moments incorporated in his videos.
  11. also, to further protect your old save, (and possibly your new one in the case you get your desired pokemon) is to put it in an external storage device such as a flashdrive, or an online storage service such as dropbox or mega! hope this helps~
  12. Steam: Sinikuro games:...nothing atm, but planing on playing civ 5 in the near future. 3ds: uhh... lemme edit this once i have access to my 3ds or one of my friends tells me (looking at you, troy, the rjl) games: Super Sm4sh bros 3ds Pokemon Y, OR --- yay i did this~
  13. Hexagoen

    I Spy...

    so... basically i saw this game on another forum, and i was like, dayum this might be a fun game for the reborn community. soo ye here it is: "The idea has the same principle as the classic game of I Spy. A photo is posted and the next person posts their own picture of something that they see in the previous photo. Of course follow up with "I spy ... (whatever it is you want to refer to)" It could be an object in the photo you see, a color, a flower, animal, food, etc. Example: someone posts a picture of a couple at a picnic. The next person might see some cheese by the picnic basket, so they post a picture of some cheese. Then the next person might see a sharp knife by the cheese picture and decide to post a picture of a ninja or something. Just remember to state whatever it is you spy in the last photo. Should be fun." (source material:http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/583984/i-spy/) knock yourselves out. (DISCLAIMER: it might be a good idea to put the photos in spoilers which can be done with [spoiler.]somepicture.jpeg[./spoiler] without the period there obviously) ill start:
  14. thank you thank you thank you! bear lord :D

    1. mde2001


      Only 7 more posts then you can become Ace.

  15. yo. anyone remember all the Saturday cartoons? i remember sitting down at the upstairs TV (it was when analog was a thing) and binge watching the old pokemon series... the days ;-;
  16. ...What is this RWBY you guys speak of?

    1. BlueMoonIceCream
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      well its something so amazing that someone like me (who really dislikes anime) is obsessed with it

      pretty much its an amarican anime made by a company called roosterteeth and have great animation, awsome music, and great twists on the usual overused character tropes (they even made a catgirl i dont hate)

    3. KingRyan


      it's just the best thing ever....of all time.....r.i.p. monty.

  17. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. BlueMoonIceCream



  18. ...im bored again

    1. Juniper


      You stopped being bored? :o

  19. y'all be calling on trhs and micky ;-; shia, some hugs pl0x ;-;
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