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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. redefining the hax in hackmons. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-hackmonscup-35129
  2. Chubb, i appreciate you doing this! the last guide made by sophie was one of my key helping threads that i used on my first days of plaything the reborn game. Sadly that guide fell, but now there is a new thread for a new generation of noobs and leets to depend upon~ i'll be sure to link this if anyone asks! keep up the good work man
  3. nah juu im pretty sure it means that they dont want pm's from people mith a competitive skill similar to me... he did say serious offers, so if you think that your serious, unlike me, go for it good luck to all the applicants :/
  4. Guys. Ame has over 100,000 views... PANIC!!!!

    1. Red_Chaos
    2. Vinny


      "Oh no, I didn't expect this at all." -> 2013, Ocelot

  5. not sure this has been said yet (sorry i it has :x) but what if the certain gym leader window skins/text skins will be available to the player once they have defeated him/her/xyr. of course the graphic is in the game folder. it just cannot be used (by some magic coding) until it has been 'given' to the player. the unaccesable ones (from the players progress) i am guessing can be accessed and used by some cheaty hacking :/ just a thought on how this could work.
  6. scrumptious pie,
  7. also, a run that i have seen resurfaced a while back, is the mono tier run where you can only use the pokemon from a certain tier. it can get pretty difficult if you do some of the lower tiers like Nu and PU but should be achievable due the how many pokemon you are allowed~ good luck!
  8. granted, but you get sick again due to how toxic social media platforms are. i wish i had 3 more wishes~
  9. machoke isn't meme enough for the cena title, scrub. a machamp named Jan Cena
  10. no. ain't no ports here bb. shia, would you care to differ?
  11. looks good! also to make the image appear, just use linkofsaidimage.jpeg [./img] (ovb without the period) good luck
  12. at this point of your game, i would recommend dropping the pikachu for an ampharos. mareep can be found in the jasperward, unless ame changed that :/ good luck!
  13. "lions don't concern themselves with the issues of sheep." Basically, just use the ignore feature. Unless you want to see the funny reactions of how salty they get XD
  14. the 'future' is now. where is my hoverboard?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      Only semi-working, but in development

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I don't know where'd you leave it?

    4. Grizzlybrand


      Tbh a lot of things in Back to the Future exist, but a lot of them just aren't commercially available for mass consumers

  15. oh yeah. i passed 700 posts. QQ give ace QQ

    1. Vinny
    2. Hexagoen


      posts-kun give me like 50 posts to do ore somethign please ;;--;;

    3. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      The ace of spades

  16. i need a new status idea...

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      You just gotta think... What's on your mind?

  17. guys and gals... i have decided to do this shit! yay. here be my team: (its only in importable form because im too lazy to to provide a desc of what these mons do :/ i know its not the best. but before i do any major changes, i need a second opinion on it thanks guys
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