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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. yes, like breeze said, the trade is in obsidia ward lol. however a suggestion i might make is to use pawinard over castform. trust me pawinard is waaay more useful. good luck!
  2. inb4 i have 5 messages already for me... either way, great job swim
  3. Nah. Even better is a program called light shot it uses the printscr button on your computer to make a scrernshot of what your doing, which can be immediately uploaded on the Internet! Another on par program is gyazo. I really don't know it, but I prefer. Lightshot over gyazo. It's your choice though lol. Good luck
  4. hmm... one thing i might suggest is that you give it legit human arms instead of scyther ones.you did say that it is a human wearing a scyther mask, so the scyther arms are redundant for that lol. good luck!
  5. for episode 15, you have to finish the storyline first. this means, defeating the gym leaders: terra and ciel. good luck!
  6. /me is a familliar /me doesn't know you X-X anyways, welcome back to reborn!
  7. Welcome to the reborn forums friend See you around!
  8. why u always rhyming? stop fucking rhyming

    1. anethia


      calm your tits and your lady bits

  9. Using online storage is good and all, but do remember that flashdrives are a thing lol. Good luck man!
  10. welcome to the forums friend
  11. Hexagoen


    welcome to reborn! i dont know you at all! hope to see you around stranger
  12. like DW said, its just a matter of RNG. dont worry! you'll have your garde- dude. you do realize a garde can be male right? it doesnt have to be female lol. anyways good luck!
  13. Well, ame you said it yourself: drivers are auth. It is perfectly logical for them to have these commands lol. Even if they aren't Auth of the server itself, they are mature enough (I hope) to use these commands for the betterment of the community! Just my two cents in on this situation
  14. ...what? i don't know what to say about this, except: .... .... LINK OR FAEK kappa (seriously add a link! i wanna check this game out lol)
  15. okay. sneasel and obamasnow are viable options, but consider walerin! along with its ice type, it also has a water subtype! which is good for those pesky fire types hope this helps
  16. by far, it has to be fallout 4... the hype is too real XD
  17. eh. im not a fan of items, since i do spend alot of my time on for glory. but if i were to use an item, it would have to be the final smash, because why not? EDIT: GODDAMIT STUPID WYNAUT MEME >:[
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