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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. The way I see it, you really can't depend on a [public k-12] school in giving you exactly the education for what you want to do in life. That's because it wasn't ever designed to do that. The purpose of public schools to tailor to every individual. Not only is that extremely hard to do if that were the case, but also extremely un-economical and the benefits of providing [public] education that evokes the 'inspiration' and 'creativity' do not outweigh the potential costs this will have. This is why public schools seem so systematic, so monotone, so boring. It isn't their job to give you the education of what you want to do (even then what if what you want to do changes? more cost.) Its to provide you with the information and tools necessary to survive out there in the real world when you are independent. Its so hopefully the next generation of kids wont end up under a bridge. If you want 'inspiration' and 'creativity' find it for yourself. Enroll in a private school that is tailored to what you want to do (like a musical conservatoire, or a fancy sports campus) or work hard to be accepted into a university in which your true 'inspirations' and 'creativity' come to reality. Remember, it is not the public's school's job to curtail to your specific needs, its job lies in making sure you are on the right path on not becoming a food stamp dependent, minimum wage working miserable old cot. Good luck out there.
  2. we should like totally have a reborn orchestra.

    1. Wolfox


      if there was ever a reborn band I would go for singer

  3. I feel an overwhelming sense of procrastination.

  4. the spoiled brat/civilized world part of me wants to tour europe eat good food, taste different wine, see sights etc. Yet there is this other desire of me to go off the grid and explore siberia.

  5. Hello Sharath, nice to see that you are enjoying reborn. It is worth mentioning that starly is located in the wild on route 3. Totally fine if you want to get one early, I understand, but if you are at the point in the game where you can access route 3 probably easier to get one from there than trade~
  6. Mfw I thought the hi hat sound you hear in bangers, was a snare playing, like a super artificial snare.



  7. Well, I'm your specific case you got kinda sorta lucky that almost 1/5 of your eggs were shiny. I'm reborn the shiny rarity is dropped from whatever high number (around 7000 I think?) it is in the main games, to 1/100 chance in reborn. So yeah shines are semi common, but it's cool that you got so many in just 100 Also I should sleep right now byeeee
  8. Merry Christmas everyone! (it's 12 am here) 

  9. Can we just marvel at why the alola execcutor's tail has a Spider thing on it. Either its some acip trip im on, or gen 7 is gamefreak's way of drunkenly venting out its problems.
  10. This one might be a challenge: Can you try doing the Gif i have set as my avatar?
  11. Kinda wished we could view full statuses/see replies directly from the homepage without loading another page. Other than that I am starting to like the new website!

    1. Combat


      I have to agree. I mean, I had to go on your page just to see the whole post.

    2. Dypatome


      Agreed; I think everything about the new site is better so far, besides the fact that they change how you see statuses

  12. Hello Kiwi! Interesting to see that you are from Spain, its a country with a rich history that I want to eventually visit sometime! Welcome to reborn! Im sure your excited about the release of Episode 16, so do tell, what is your favorite feature so far in the new episode? Along with that, also be sure to visit our Discord server where you can chat with us in real time, and also our Showdown server, along with being a decent chat server, is also a really good place to hone your competitive Pokemon battling skills! See you around here -MG
  13. Hello Pikafan96! Welcome to the reborn forums, a place for magical adventures, and enjoying the arts of video games and animated shows! If you like the forums as much as I do, then don't hesitate to visit the Reborn showdown server, a place in which you can express your competitive pokemon talent and also a place to talk to us (mainly because very soon the forums are going to be down) Other places you can find us, is our discord server, https://discord.gg/hTB5Qck and also if you are into Minecraft, do check out are amazing server where we express our artistic abilities... on a place you are going to have to ask the IP to because i forgot where it was :/ Anyways, see you around
  14. Honestly, I don't think people necessarily hate Gen 4, its just that it wasn't as interesting (imo) plotwise as the other generations were. How i can best describe this feeling is, it feels 'grey' while the other generations were colorful. That being said, I was introduced to pokemon in generation 4 and honestly it felt just as good as the other generations I played. So take it as you will I guess.
  15. Well, if we were to take the scientific definition of an 'animal', then yes humans are defined to be animals. Even if we were to use our perceived definition of animal, for example dogs, or horses, or birds, then we would still be defined as animals, since we pretty much have the same functions as animals around us (mating, travelling in packs, seeking shelter) just on a more advanced scale.
  16. Well. I guess we can add reddit being fucked up to our list of shit ruined in 2016. The CEO of a major company fucking up is no joke. Will this ruin the rep of reddit? Yes it will. Yet at the same time we cant keep dwelling on this. Remember although how prominent he is, its just one person in a site with thousands of communities in it. This should not make you think that reddit is going down the drain. One of the world's most prominent and famous sites is notr going to burn to the ground because of one man. Same things applies for pretty much every major thing that has happened in 2016. Brexit. The elections. People the world is not going to end. Stop overreacting about this and calm the fuck down. IM not saying these events will have major reprocussions on our lives. But honestly its not like world war 3 has started.
  17. Don't do stupid shit. Also if you somehow develop a crush for someone, don't do awkward shit.
  18. Call me uncultured, but i really really like iced tea. I know it isnt really considered tea (more like its own style of drink, but its technically still tea) but pour me a glass (or two or three) of sweet tea and i'll die happy.
  19. After using my mechanical keyboard for a little over a month now, i feel as if the decision to go with cherry browns wasnt necessarily the best for me. the slight bump on the switch doesnt feel satisfactory, and i often find myself not feeling the bump all the time and bottoming out the keys. Do you think in the future i should be a keyboard with reds in them, especially since i play games that require fast movements?

  20. Guys remember, even if the orange buffoon wins, he isnt going to get his views passed because congress exists and no one likes him.

    1. Chase


      Except Republicans are now possibly holding both the Senate and the House.

    2. Bearadactyl


      And, the Supreme Court.

    3. HughJ


      FDR in full reverse

  21. (not a PC expert per se, but i do know some things however, do go and research this on the internet aswell, they will have some good insights on this aswell) ok, did you correctly connect the SSD to the Motherboard? if its a 2.5 form factor ssd, make sure the cable connects to the correct 6 bit port (or whatever the port for plugging in high bandwidth things like SSD's are called) If its a m.2 SSd (the tinier version of SSd's that are usually connected to the motherboard directly) maske sure its properly pushed in. Like i said, go and do some interent research about this, they definitely have answers/ more information i might have forgotten. Some good places to go, are prominent PC hardware websites, like Tomshardware.com or a PC subreddit could also be useful Good luck in your adventures with the mighty PC master race!
  22. Honestly it depends on what you mean by a 'pen' Are you talking about a metaphorical pen, as in a utensil to convey your thoughts with? Then absolutely do i carry such a utensil with me. Stuff like a pencil, a paintbrush, a keyboard, my voice. All tools used one way or the other to convey messages and thoughts. If your talking just about a pen, then no i do not carry a pen with me at all times. Sometimes i like the feeling of a pencil, or a paintbrush to convey my thoughts. Other times, i dont feel like writing, and as such use other things to convey my feelings, like a keyboard.
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