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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. why hello there! welcome to reborn~ have a nice stay friend
  2. yay! its cool that the community if coming together to hep out our fellow members~ wish the best of luck to you reignited light
  3. Yay. Marching band competition today. Wish me luck I guess :P

    1. TimTim
    2. Shing


      Good luck sini, may the kappa be with you.

  4. actually, there is an accurate YT guide for this! should work with e15:
  5. wat. just one question: does the team have to be weak to the partners team, or is the weakness triangle just limited to your own team... that part just confuses me X-X
  6. to raise your pokemon's happiness think of it as taking a date out, but inverse what things you do to make said date happy. get it? dont treat the date pokemon to all this candy, and these soothe baels. jeez. just walk it. bore the shit out of it and eventually, just eventually it will evolve out of sheer boredom. your welcome~
  7. 666 posts. get on my level.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander


      (Points to post count). Catching up to me though.

    3. Arkhi


      >666 Posts

      >Your level

      I bite my thumb at you, sir.

    4. Shing


      You're too slow my sir.

  8. ... This is fucking beautiful. Memes cannot express the feelings i have. Kappa.
  9. nah... what it means is that you should worship the almighty helix instead of the satanic dome. Kappa
  10. ...does anyone still remember elly? ;-;

    1. InnocentSerenity


      Sorry, never heard of them.

  11. Kuro... i and all of us will miss you bud~ you are fun to talk to, and are one if the most, if not the most important xyr on this community! i'll miss you ;-;
  12. imo gardevoir looks like michelle obama. might be the hair though... XD
  13. gorebyss is best mon. dont fuck with it. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-randombattle-33561
  14. can my sleep go more faster? i want my results man ;-;

    1. Arkhi


      Not if you're saying more faster :c

  15. ...doesnt the pokewalker already loop songs like a mp3? dont quote me on that, but im pretty sure that what it does XD
  16. i like this idea alot! there is one teeny, tiny, little problem: pokemon essentials runs on RPG maker XP... and xp was made in what? 2005? 06? IDK it was a long time ago idk how we are gonna get pokemon esstentials, let alone RPG maker games onto this new version you speak of, its probably gonna be hella hard, and it might not be wise, considering there have been instances where RPG maker games were successfully working on a phone with our current resources. nice thought, but imo we should still stick to RPG maker XP~
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