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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. dont quote me on this, but i think you have to beat aya? i might be wrong, but i dont see why another event might stop triggering it~ hope this helps!
  2. to answer your question abut jumping with bikes: no you cannot jump with a bike, it is illogical to do so and is not needed for any puzzle in the game~ the wiki thing: it has been answered in a previous thread~ ill see if i can link it. hope this helps! EDIT: here~ http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12359&page=1#entry272684 edit2: dammit ark. ninja'd yet again
  3. anyone wanna suggest me an avi? (halloween/fall themed please) ty
  4. nice and clean! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-278814468
  5. welcome back to reborn frend~
  6. today was so amazing that i could rip it in a million pieces and burn it to the fucking ground!

  7. seeing as it has an ability that decreases its not needed sp. atk and increases speed. i'd say keep it! dont worry about having bad iv's they dont matter~ have a nice day~
  8. honestly, competitive battling for me has been a stalemate, interest wise...

    1. Hexagoen


      whats the point?

    2. InnocentSerenity
    3. Guzam


      Saltykuro? Nah, you're point is definitely justified, competitive battling can be really shit most of the time. That's why it's very satisfying whenever I win. You just need to find a way to be happy while doing it.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. InnocentSerenity


      Not you, Sinikuro; that's for sure.

    3. InnocentSerenity


      Not you, Sinikuro; that's for sure.

    4. zimvader42


      I think everyone who has commented on this deserves the title.

  10. my first shiny in reborn was a shiny venipede in the wasteland, but this was in e14 so there was no updated shiny sprites :/ and i took one look at this thing, amd i was like: this thing is ugly as hell. never catched it :c moral of story: be patient padawan
  11. oh yeah! nice guide ark~ anyways, that said, welcome to reborn!
  12. artist, because that would imply that i could not just sing and be famous~ would you rather: eat a burger or a pizza?
  13. zubats are now located, in the glitch world~ next time, if you want to see where a pokemon is, check in the pokemon loaction thread~ have a nice day!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juniper


      *Has no idea what's going on but comments anyway*

    3. zimvader42


      *just wants to be part of the drama*

    4. DashingStorm


      Wait, what'd I do?

  15. alternatevly, you can go into your sounds station: http://prntscr.com/8nbjqk and do something like this! (see how reborn is muted) good luck!
  16. honestly, a wiki is not generally needed! there are a bunch of topics on the forums, and there are nifty things such as a banlist on pokemon, guides, and other cool stuff! all you have to do is just look around, and you can find what you want~
  17. sprites or fake in all seriousness, good luck! can we suggest fakemon?
  18. ...what's the problem in meeting someone who is 3/4 inches tall?
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