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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. burh... this is a life or death situation right? if so, natural selection... im evil :C but thats what i'll most likely do
  2. As like other people said, yes it is possible, just not in this episode. Also about trading, In episode 16, there is speak of an in game trading service! So look forward to that Good luck

  4. Clarice x Dashie

  5. welcome to reborn! also those images X-X did you try using something.png [./img] (without the period) that might help!
  6. bitch please. anyways, i predict the all mighty snow to grace my sight~
  7. if your talking about forum rupees, just post, or ask around! if your talking about in game currency (which by the way are called Pokedollars, like in every pokemon game in existence) just search and battle for trainers (and use the amulet coin lol) good luck!
  8. about time i did this~ Name:Sinikuro, Sini (Matthew) Age: (ask) Birthday: March 20th Location:New Jersey (USA) Height: last time i checked, it was 5' 3 its not even close to that now lol. Hair Color: black, like the cosmos above Eye Color: reaaaaaaly dark brown, like almost black! you can barely see the brown if you shine a light at my eyes Live With: family! (mom, dad, sister) Pets?: two of my sisters dogs that semi visit from time to time. Relationships?: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No. Crushes lately?: y'know, there is this reaaaaly cute girl in my class, slightly shorter, she is into music like me, we share many things we like, the way she laughs <3, and the nice black smooth hair- y'know what? imma stop talking now :/ Dream Job: youtube? programming? music? idk Currently Playing: idk. it isnt game season. no good games out yet that catch my interest Favourite Food: Burgers or Ramen, depending on my mood Favourite Drink: ICED TEA!!! any flavor except lemonade X-X that shiz nasty Favourite Color: dark stained red, like the blood of my enemies Favourite kind of Music: Classical or EDM, also dependant of my mood Favourite Band: IDK Favourite Album: IDK Favourite Game: Any smash brothers game INCLUDING brawl. scrubs. Favourite Genre of Game: RPG or Strategy, dependent on how i feel Favourite Hobbies: Sleeping Favourite Movies: I dont go to movies. i aint paying 20 bucks to watch a big ass screen with other people. Favourite Shows: who watches TV again?
  9. #HurricaneJoaquin

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      It's probably gonna hit my area. I'm okay with that, I like rain

  10. to answer your question: yes. yes they are. both story and implementation wise! just search around for some key topics about these episodes!!!
  11. TLDR: just read it. allow me to present my argument, if you will~ sit back, and enjoy! well, if you ignore the bad and toxic parts of those domains, you see a well developed, well organized, and popular website that thousands of people use everyday! see the problem is not the website/domain itself, its the people using it. generally, well in the eyes of someone who doesn't not know these places, this site is amazing, fun, inspiring, and generally goes along with the terms i said above, but noo, there has to be that one idiot, that one asshole who just ruins it for everyone. see the problem? well, you may ask: "aren't there rules on not to do these things?" well, yes there is! But the thing is, rules are not enforced sadly. maybe, one day, there will be a world without assholes... one day... and as my history teacher once said, "the problem with x organization isn't the organization its the 0.00000001 percent of it, that ruins the organization as a whole" just my two cents in on the matter~
  12. I would like to wish my very good friend a happy birthday here!!! Zekktech is a person i have known, well since the start of the reborn minecraft server! Ever since we met, we talked and chatted alot about various topics, and became close friends, and even chatting daily on skype again, i would like to wish zekk the happiest of birthdays~ and the celebration of his one year anniversary closer to his inevitable death~
  13. this video more or less explains this:
  14. nope.

    1. Juniper


      *Sees spider on the roof above them*

      *Says this ^*

    2. AeroWraith


      ^this is me except swap the spider with a bee/wasp

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      But bees are fluffy and wasps are fake-ass bees

  15. some things noted: swampert should have hammer arm instead of avalanche (fighting coverage > ice ) for crobat,i recommend having aerial ace instead of acrobatics, and putting a black sludge on it. (put roost as the last move if you can/in the future) aside from that, your team looks solid! (i do recommend keeping the honchkrow and dragalge as backups!) also, you team is kinda, maybe in a need of some.... grass types ice types steel types dark types etc. mons i recommend are (available in e15 and past episodes): magnezone, torterra, umbreon, shiftry, aggron, amaura and many more! good luck!
  16. y'all are complaining about the lag... im just chillin here looking at all the newcomers lol

    1. Juniper


      *sees amount of potential welcome posts*

      *spontaneously combusts*

    2. laggless01


      Would you expect anything less from me?

  17. nice! just a quick question: when shall i expect to experience a demo of this game? (release date plz) either way, it seems like a nice project your working on! hope to see some progress in the near future!!!
  18. what are emotions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arkhi
    3. InnocentSerenity


      Apparently, something I'm good at.

    4. Vinny


      A thing that shows when you watch Explorers of the Sky ending

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