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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. y'know, you should still get that noibat tho. its better to hae 3 pokemon than 2. just saying~ use it as death fodder >:] good luck man!
  2. y'all better not be talking shit about dogs. ya hear? Q-Q #dogmasterrace

  3. if your planning on having a starter aside from the regular ones, i suggest hippotatas... well for the overall theme of T3RR4 good luck!
  4. happy birthday jacob!!! though i may know you not as well as the other members here, i still wish you a happy birthday! best of luck friend~
  5. now i just want ace just to do .poke ;-;

    1. KingRyan


      my question is, what is in that nightclub?

    2. Bearadactyl


      Sacrifice to our Dark Lady Amethyst.

    3. Flux


      It's where we keep the bodies of all the members who tried to leave.

  6. who would ever ditch their starter??? its an important part of your pokemon career, and its probably the first mon you recieve!!! then again, in insurgance, i ditched the eevee for a better mon idc if it has an OP mega, im not training it :x
  7. when will there be a day when watchmojo.com runs out of things to top 10?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mde2001


      They will never run out of material.

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Top 10 Things We Ran Out of Top 10 Lists For

    4. Another Felix
  8. well, since no mega's for charizard is available as of this episode, i shall recommend going with a special charizard! also, be sure to pick up a numel ASAP! that thing kills threats O-O
  9. just like what shadow said, spoilers are
  10. An official welcome at last! Anyways, welcome to reborn!!
  11. *kills boss* "this isnt my final form!" (or something along those lines) *even harder boss appears, and you arent healed*
  12. do a poison mono! fairly challenging looking at the banlist good luck!!!
  13. Amaria master race.

  14. i generally seem to use : P and :/ alot lel. share yours!
  15. good luck moving! also i shall be sure to check out this awesome livestream!!
  16. Happy anniversary! I do hope that you can find time to be here, cause you are an important part of reborn! Cya around bud~
  17. Omg! Congrats to all the members selected!!! I expect to see great things from all of you
  18. [22:19:39] +Apophyll Sparky: Jan is in the basement and rowing his boat

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InnocentSerenity


      /me tilts head in confusion.

    3. Jan


      It never happened.

    4. Shamitako


      Wait5, Jan, Alice got you in her basement too? Damn her collection is growing

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