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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. Soo we have a three worded story , but why not a two worded story? >:] well, i shall start the epic tale of why-did-i-do-this? Kappa: One day...
  2. according to this thread, nincada is located in terijuama jungle or route 6. please check in this thread instead of posting a new one of you wanna find where a pokemon is~
  3. why does today have to be emotional?

    1. Arkhi


      Each day carries with it a story of heartbreak, fear, terror, or evil. It's up to us to make reasons for each day to be looked forward to.

      Sometimes, we fail.

    2. Vinny


      Looks like I missed a very emotional day.

  4. actually, he does have a welcome thread! though expanding on who you are would be better suited in that thread than making a new one altogether just saying
  5. "Sinikuro013 tried to swim in lava" yep. dont ask.
  6. ugh. im kinda on the fence on joining this new RP ;-; what do?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Also... don;t farm my Forum for posts. I notice you making low quality posts for that reason I'm not going to be happy. Otherwise you're okay. ((I'd also be happy to help and so would most down there. Do not be afraid to tlak to people. Murdoc, Dobby, myself, Chimchain Stratos... the lsit goes on of pretty good RPers. I know I don't bite. Mostly cause Crunch is just a better move like come on!))

    3. Felicity


      You stole that from Tempest Huk >:C

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, I borrowed it. I'm sure he won't mind.

  7. tfw i create a mega monster by accident on showdown

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      *leaves pokemon forever*

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      how'd you make this on Showdown?

    4. AuthorReborn


      This is why Mega Slaking should literally just lose Truant...

  8. i feel kinda bad now ;-;

    1. Fumble


      I sincerely hope 2tou doesn't try committing suicide again. Hopefully he'll come to his senses...

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I don't really know the situation but what I do know is how it feels to lose someone that way and let me tell you it doesn't get easier over time suicide isn't the answer

  9. uhh... play voltorbflip? thats my usual strategy anyways good luck!
  10. like what other people said, its fine to use reborn's files! just cite the developers of reborn and you'll be fine! also, welcome to reborn!
  11. i sorta kinda unintentionally did something illegal :P

    1. Flux



      YOU MONSTER...

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Was their a child and/or a pirate ship involved?

    3. Tacos
  13. amen, well said. but seriously, its kinda pointless at your stage to get into that deep of a relationship! just focus on school and you'll do fine!
  14. lemme link a cerain thread this should help with the lucario situation
  15. totally not gonna voice act terra

  16. *I'd anyway, I would go with the rhyperior since it is the best option out of all of them!
  17. when you think you can wing it, you will wing it~

  18. amen. anyways, for me, its when in reborn...
  19. how about instead of a laptop, you get yourself a nice little monitor set~ doesnt have to be this fancy ass nvidia something something with like 9000 tb space and god knows how many ram and razer everything and like 5 monitors, you can get a fairly cheap 1 monitor set! some suggestions: bump your budget a little higher? if you can (to maybe something like 750-1000 ish, 500 still works, its just your not gonna get the best things) focus a good amount of your budget (100-200) to a good graphics card! if you are gonna be doing a little bit of gaming, you need a good graphics card, such as nvidia or amd (DO NOT! i repeat DO NOT get intel. please.) for the monitor, if you are getting one (which is the reccomended number for your budget) get a 20'' - 24'' screen size one! if your budget allows two of them, get 18-20'' size ones! for you, i do recommend a good 750 GB to 1.5 TB of space! you will most likely need ti for your gaming adventures!!1 RAM: a good place to get it, is around 16-48 GB of ram! you said you werent doing any serious gaming, so that should work! however, if you an get higher, go for it keyboard: it really depends on you, since you will most likely be focusing on other aspects of the computer, just get one that does the job , if you are willing to invest in one of these, i recommend razer as a brand as they deliver quality products! mouse: see keyboard description (i really dont know much about motherboards and coolers :C uhh just get something where you have a decent amount of usb thingys ) case: dont worry too much about cases. they are dirt cheap lol. (unless you are planning on getting those realy cool led lights one XD) good luck man!
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