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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. nice game! downloaded the demo and checked out the game!!! and i gotta say, it looks amazing <3 good luck!
  2. inb4 pyrrhon vs DD in the finals~ i call it now >:]
  3. Wow... You ez soo gangsta that you put your welcome back thread in da wasteland Either way, welcome back~
  4. I would be down for a new league! The problem, like a bunch of us have already stated, is obvious issues such as schedules coding the thing and, well to see if people are interested in the thing. Good luck to all in attempting to make a new league
  5. Jamak sucks at shitposting. bitch.

    1. Solarance


      At least I don't shit out posts that are half-assed.

    2. InnocentSerenity


      Well, that happened.

  6. its fine! this is meant for post game (hence why one of the suggested items was a scizorite)
  7. male ace trainer Matt (using shia's custom sprite she made for me, as seen in thread (if you cant find it, just pm me)) (and yes shia has given you permissions to use it (as long as you cite it)) (this is reccomended for postgame lel) --- (feel free to change some stats ) good luck!
  8. wait... so i actually have to make a themed team for this??? these tours are getting mad complicated ;-; sarcasm aside, may the most bootiful battler get teh mighty salamence \o/
  9. its becoming increasingly hard to find things to shitpost ;-;

    1. Hexagoen


      also im familliar. yay.

    2. Arkhi


      This is why you use Atoks instead.

  10. etc etc, some dude that is a master of RP and is obsessed with using smash characters with swords *cough* roy, lucina, ike, etc *cough*
  11. funny thing is, whenever my sister drives my family to x place, my mom always maggs my sister about "driving defensively" and some other bs (as in telling her like a million times, not that its bad, its annoying to hear) old people try to inforce on their children. so recently, my sister was driving home the family after some fancy party (she was sober, if you were wondering) and she got pulled over for running a red light XD and to this day my mom always gives my sister, this 'i tole you so' look whenever she sees her yep
  12. /r/funny, oml http://i.imgur.com/INBZ1VG.jpg
  13. got dem uptown gurls liek: "... Kappa"

    1. Hexagoen


      also im bored af night lettuce and germs and non bi peeps

  14. To be truthful there is no best starter all of them have their strengths and weaknesses. For me I prefer to use charmander for its speed and attack! It's up to our which starter you go with! Hope this helps
  15. Dot dot dot...

    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      ellipses ellipses ellipses

    2. Alex


      comma comma comma

  16. Either be man and stick with chimchar for a while or ask someone one who has rpg maker for a second mon. Alternatively you can buy RPG maker xp like the rest of us. Good luck!
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