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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. pun of the day: It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it.

    1. Hexagoen


      (tribute to moneymadam <3)

  2. i know the background and the apps are a bit lame, but i like stare at them for 2-10 seconds tops until google chrome loads up and i can start shitposting here browsing the web! so it doesnt really matter what my background is... as long as its something desktop with apps open (i really dont use anything aside from these apps lol) (image temp taken down, it had a pic of my email) taken care of~ have fun!
  3. with mlg style icons overlapping each other around charizard (kappa, darude sandstorm, mlg icons etc) here is an example of what a mlg image is http://prntscr.com/8bziye have fun!
  4. ugh. 5 hours left to finish my work ;-; why cant school start next monday instead :C

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. foovy10


      i listen to anything as long as its not rock or metal. doesnt really matter in my opinion

    3. Juniper


      JUST, DO IT!

    4. Vinny


      We need the "everything" option~

  5. i have a chronic addiction to iced tea...

  6. how fucked am if i decide to learn the piano version of anima (by xi)

  7. oddly enough, it reminds me of sylveon... (the colorscheme) is it supposed to be related to sylveon?
  8. "water balloons filled with air." -Logic

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Logic? WHo needs that shit? *throws logic otu the window.*

  9. hell no. seriously, dont. i dont want a clothes brand to be a name for one of the main characters
  10. as far as i know... zubat can only be caught in the glitch world... and thats pre 12th badge :/ i would suggest murkrow/swoobat/pidgeot etc... as they are good flying types early game! also level up the other mons in your team.... i see a lvl 31 with a lvl 42 mon lel good luck!
  11. hold up. first of all, welcome to the forums. second of all... that was AMAZING!!! pokemon, platnum themed graphics (which by the way are my favorite), amazing scripts... a VIETNAMESE version!!! i would love to see more XD
  12. soo.... apparently there IS no bus on Tuesdays.... which first of all is BS and second of all, it means i have nothing to do today.... >:[

    1. Arkhi


      I'd love to have that problem.

  13. good night! most likely not gonna be here tomorrow :P

  14. well, it is confirmed that all 721 pokemon will be able to catch at the end of reborn, so just be patient lol
  15. Hexagoen


    welcome to reborn!
  16. TFW moderated chat is on, and i cant even ladder battle because showdown is borked... gg

    1. Solarance


      It's god damn autoconfirmed, get it right. Kappa

    2. Shadow Tack
  17. moderated chat??? :C

  18. BIG SPOILER ALERT!!! (for people who don't know the series) Honestly, i have watched the dragon ball series for the longest while! which is why it deserves it's own thread i would post the basic plot of it, but i don't have time :C So, that's about that! talk about anything you want, as long as its pertaining to the Dragon ball series! (and that it is in the existing rules ) "Knock yourselves out!" -ame 2k15
  19. im pretty sure this goes into the on the hunt subforum lel
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