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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. Someone bump my rep up to 250 so my rep title can finally change :'D

    1. HughJ


      rep 4 rep boys

    2. Sutoratosu


      you welcome...

      and screw it, hugh is right, return the favor buddy.

  2. Updated some technical stuff for the RWBY thread (still cant pretty it up yet) If anyone wants to pretty it up feel free to do so.

  3. I know you all are getting hyped up about all these triple a titles being available for the NX, but what i am concerned about is this thing's specs. I know its only a small 720p screen, but if we hooked it up to an external monitor, will we still have an enjoyable gaming experience. Dont get me wrong, it seems like a cool concept, but i do hope that this thing can also act as a console (since most likely the NX will be replacing both the wiiU and the 3ds. Like if nintendo can achieve the prefect balance of portability and gaming horsepower of a console, then the NX (or switch? whatever nintendo calls it) will be a good console.
  4. Is it just me, or do i find reputation points to be a bit of a post reminder of some sort (albeit not a perfect one) Like if your rep goes up by one or a couple of points, you wonder how you got it, and then you can check on a post and how its doing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pocky


      I made a shitpost tree, Ark!

    3. Arkhi


      Excellent work, now let's cut it down and burn it.

    4. Pocky


      *gasp* no!

  5. In pokemon reborn, If i remember correctly, there really isnt a good way to level up. Just level up under leveled mons with the trainers, or just use the trainers in the grand hall (even though that is kinda tedious to utilize effectively) Just stick with under a dozen pokemon you mainly use (too many, and you cant level them up effectively) and you'll be fine. Plus, there is always the traditional very tedious way of just fighting the wild pokemon, but i mean, its not as bad as HGSS. Good luck.
  6. Updated the RWBY thread~

  7. Is it better to be vague, but not risk telling false information, or be open, but hold the risk of being wrong.

    1. dan2


      Personally, I tend to just come out when I don't know enough about a topic to defend a stance (if I'm interpreting this correctly). I don't like giving false information, but I don't like appearing as if I know more than I actually do. On the other hand, I like being proven wrong if said person can substantiate their position with a solid argument themselves. You learn from being wrong and it's totally okay to be in that position.

    2. AuthorReborn


      It's better to just admit that you're wrong or not knowledgeable about the subject. If you try to bs your way through an argument or a discussion about something, then you're likely to end up looking like Donald Trump trying to describe the specifics of his policy, ie, you don't know what you are talking about, but you attempt to seem as if you do by adding in a ton of filler content.

    3. Ironbound


      Discretion is the better part of valour. Certainly it is foolish to express an ill-informed opinion, and yet one may be tactful enough to inquire about a foreign subject without making presuppositions.

  8. I hate it when people say "as the saying goes". WHAT SAYING ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      it's usually as the saying goes, then the exact saying they are referecing... so... you would know exacty what saying they are talking aobut sicne they jsut said it. ???

    3. Chase


      Usually someone is supposed to provide the exact context as to what "the saying" is either prior to or following the phrase.

      "one in the hand is better than two in the bush - as the saying goes." "As the saying goes, that's like comparing apples and oranges."

    4. Shamitako


      Well, you know what they say...

  9. Is it just me, or do i find the reborn plot a little too dark. Not like its too much violence, but rather excessive deaths and all that.

    1. DemICE


      its more realistic like that.

      much better than canon games where everything goes so smoothly.

      i mean, the best thing that ever happened was lavender tower plot back at Gen 1

    2. Hiss13


      That's debatable at best. The very notion that a story needs excessive deaths to be realistic and that inherently makes it better is laughable.

    3. DemICE


      when a story is centered on a modern polluted city environment, involves organised crime, manipulation of excessively destructive powers, and and the two sides fight over the destruction or the saving of the world, having a smooth kid's story with flowers and friendship without casualties is laughable

  10. I find it ironic that nations that are the epitome of what a democracy is not, have democracy in their names. Y'know, nations like the Democratic Republic of Korea, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    1. Swampellow


      cause they are pretending, and everyone knows an "obvious" name obviously means what the name is, right?

  11. As a huge fan of the civilization series (though i have no played in a while) I am interested as to what Civ 6 brings to the table. there has been some controversy as to the different art style they have compared to Civ 5. To be honest, it isn't that bad, and i do like the vibrant colors the art style has. (Plus, that whole thing where the fog of war is a map is really cool) I will point out, that the leader art in civilization 6 is ridiculous. I know its supposed to be a comical look, but it just makes the leaders look like Disney characters. As for game play, I do like some of the changes that Civ 6 has. Instead of just making the hugest city everywhere and condensing everything into one tile, I like how it forces you to manage how you use your tiles around you with the different provinces. It also encourages you to find more diverse places to found your new cities, as different tiles have different perks to them. I don't like how they are implementing roads, I don't like how i have to be at the mercy of a merchant to place where the roads go, I want full control of where roads get placed so i don't get blindsided by an opponent player or a barb. So these are my opinions right now, I haven't covered all the topics, because i haven't watched or heard of all the civ 6 news yet. I dont like the One unit per tile thing that has been unique to the Civ series lately, so i haven't really been motivated to play civ recently. I will get this game for sure, but not at launch. I want to see what other people think of Civilization 6
  12. I mean, what would be better (though more hard to implement) is having certain keywords being not seen/blocked out when you set it so. Like for example, If someone had it so the word 'spoiler' as a blacklist, it wouldn't show posts that had that word in it. (something cool that i think would be neat if it was in the forum~)
  13. Tl;Dr Sleep, games, failing at games, band camp, and Procrastination. Lots of Procrastination.
  14. The lag, is real.

    1. Solarance


      I thought it was just my internet, but I guess not.

  15. How to not procrastonate. I have not done a single of my summer work and its 3 days until first day of school ;A;

    1. Sutoratosu


      May the procrastination gods grant swiftness in rushing through them. go now, young cub, you can finish this... this old Master believes in you. Let the pressure make you stronger, sharper, become one with it and let the pent-up energy of greatness out.

    2. Sutoratosu


      For that, is the way of the *true* procrastinator... we wait not because we are lazy, no, no, it is because we are building up our power for the boss battle.

    3. RudeStyle


      same i haven't done any of the work ;-;

  16. ...Is it just me, or does the turret/gun/whatever you call the pointy thing on a tank really small in proportion to the rest of the vehicle? Or am I just uneducated when it comes to tanks.
  17. ...That name seems oddly fammiliar. (no dont try to make a connection to me with that name dont even try.) Hi, Remo! Welcome to reborn! Glad to see you are enjoying the game Be sure to hop on our server on Showdown, as it is a great way to have real time chats with us, and its a pretty solid battle simulator~ see you aaround
  18. Well, on my experience with reborn, its mainly just the City. (especially due to the detailed layers/graphics of it) Uh, try closing as many apps as you feel fit. That usually helps (Along with getting rid of startup running apps you dont need. that helps your PC in general) Just bear with it. reborn isnt the most optimized game out there, but it is sure as hell fun! Good luck with your magical journey through reborn
    1. Hexagoen


      Ill make my decision once the poll has reached 15 votes.

  19. Well I shall be quick and concise with this answer. Forgive if i might seem illogical. If a society had true free will, would it still be considered a society? If there were such a thing as free will, we would have the freedom to whatever, whenever, at wherever. I guarantee If we suddenly have true free will, anarchy would be among us. Rather than asking if we could have free will, ask: Should we have free will. (I skimmed through this one so some point s of you post might not be covered. Happy psychological thinking everyone!)
  20. Even though i quit halfway through, I still think Pokenation was an interesting event. the thing that sets pokenations apart from other events, is how it requires teamwork, not just your own wits to succeed. I met friends and had experiences throughout my time playing, and i sure did learn a thing or two While i was in. Im glad my team won, and looking back I should have stayed longer. But to be quite honest, I think it was for the best i left. So, Congratulations Atlantis For the victory, for the experiences i had with you all, for making my time in pokenations a generally positive thing. Would i totally do this again? Yup. And maybe i would stay longer than i did. Cheers everyone.
  21. Jesus, Can you all Just please. Fuck. Off.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Skeleton


      fucking sjws with their hotkeys......

    3. Hexagoen


      I am putting an end to this conversation.

      I believe it is illogical to argue about something that is contested upon elsewhere.

      I have better things to do with my time than to 'prove my point' or 'prove that im not a butthurt person' because my 'opinions were contested upon'

    4. Hexagoen


      Have a nice day.

  22. Why am i surrounded by idiots.

    1. Shamitako


      Because, birds of a feather flock together

      Alternatively you have a giant scar over your eye

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Guess I'll leave then

  23. We exist as four-dimensional superstructures.

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