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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. tinder. but honestly, dont worry about getting a gf now, someday the right girl for you will find you people who end up searching for love, just get ripped of. be patient padawan~
  2. Name: (to be decided) Type(s): steel / poison Ability/Abilities: Evolution Method, if applicable: level up at night with lowest happiness stat (it's supposed to imply the hard to get feel ) Pokedex Entry: 1337? Stats: HP: 85 Atk: 130 Def: 80 SAtk: 45 SDef: 75 Spd: 110 Total: 525 Movepool: (Optional if you don't have it at the moment.) Spoiler to be determined! expect something to do with hazards, iron head, and maybe a custom physical poison move~ Miscellaneous Information: (These ones are optional if you don't have that specific one at the moment.) Body Type: ??? Color: um to be decided Catch Rate: 0.10 Base Happiness: 0 EV Yield: 3 atk Base EXP Yield: uhh idk Growth Rate: ... i have to look this up... Egg Group(s): yep Hatch Counter: brb Height: (If there's only one of the Units, i'll convert into the other.) gonna look at bulbapedia Weight: (If there's only one of the Units, i'll convert into the other.) i dont know what this shit means Gender Ratio: 99.9 male / 0.1 female (good luck getting egg moves from this thing) Mega Stone, if applicable: name-to-be-determined-inite mega evo stats: to be determined pre evo's stats: also to be determined --- footnote: what im imagining on what the fully evolved mon is, a four legged robotic tiger thing that looks corroded and has toxic liquid oozing out. mega evo has more awesome blade looking things on its back (for my planned significant increase in speed) pre-evo looks more like a cub and less corroded, but still imply's the feeling of not to touch or else get killed! ill try to finish this later!
  3. My stomach's been feeling like shit all morning... i cri ;-;

  4. hmm... ive been looking all over for a volbeat or an illumise for that old lady in the first town... does she give anything if you show her? other than that... i reallllly want a vulpix or a good fire type on my team >~<
  5. a pet peeve of mine right now, is that i was literally just about to finish making this topic... why do i type too slow :C
  6. you dont really need other games in the wii u aside from sm4sh... but if you realllly want another game on the same level as sm4sh... i suggest splatoon! why? your a kid... and a squid! also there's this really cool multiplayer paintball style matches that totes copy COD, but who cares about that?!?! have fun!
  7. #Jamakdidit

    1. SnowGlaceon
    2. Solarance



    3. Anvilicious


      I was asleep for like, 6 hours guys. What happened?

  8. not abvalible anymore. sorry. whups. wrong game
  9. I was the other rose in the last one lol
  10. Cards against rose

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Meruem


      rose twerking was best card

    3. Rosesong


      Suuuuuuuuuuuure it was Umbre, go claim it in the Game Night thread >>

    4. SnowGlaceon


      Damn, I missed it.

  11. birch, please

    1. RaymondNotRay


      From now on, the polite way to request birch wood is to say "Birch, please".

    2. InnocentSerenity
    3. Arkhi


      Wood you please stop?

  12. one does not need another intro post...
  13. happy 2 years here, flux! i really dont know you tbh though i see you around the forums and server alot! see you around bruh!!!
  14. why has this not been a thread yet? IDC if you hate it or not, this is just a thread talking about the popular anime, naruto! go knock yourselves out! speculate about the OVA's plot or whatever FOOTNOTE: this thread will probably be spoiler heavy about the naruto universe, so be warned~
  15. 10/10 for avi with stereotypical "hair over eye" haircut (found in most emo's)
  16. if this is gonna be an AMA... what made you come on the forums?
  17. what i would suggest, is to grind for game coins in the onyx arcade (if you got the case) and get nidoran-m... it helped me alot for the gym! also, train those pokemon up! you seem to be at the 17-21 level range~ train those mons to at least 23 for the gym! hope this helps!
  18. uhh try mining rocks i think. next time, just search it
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