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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. granted, but its a LEGO rubber ducky and you end up stepping on the pieces and wailing in agony on the floor >:] i wish for a burger
  2. I have a dream of being remembered for century's to come. To never be forgotten after my death, for to be forgotten is an insult.
  3. gogogogooo jan! good luck making v7 \o/ hopefully i have the time to play it once school starts
  4. Im so punny, you cant even meme me >:]

    1. SnowGlaceon


      Lay off the dank memes bro.

  5. i would love to go to japan to get all the pokemon games a year early >:] oh. they release them worldwide now welp... i would still love to visit japan, for their interesting culture! also as an excuse to eat alot of ramen and teriyaki~
  6. something with sylveon as core <3 mono fairy if you can, if not just somthing team to fuck over dragons with <3 (preferred fairy mega please)
  7. welcome to reborn! hop on the showdown servers and chat with us! good luck hunting shinies!!!
  8. ZOMG people!!! im part of the 3 digit rep club now XD

  9. whats the point of living if we don't work for what we get? if we all had the money to do everything, we wouldn't know what to do with it, since we wouldn't understand its value, and thus why work was necessary. otherwise i would use it all for a lifetime supply of infinite iced tea
  10. ...you called? rawr. my magic h8.1 ball predicts shing to come here and say fuck you. #calledit
  11. yooo! hey! i havent checked this game in a couple of weeks.. and when i finished looking through all the stuff (in this thread) about the game...i was blown away!!! moving pokemon, baller title screen, overall polished game!!! props to you less, for making a baller game! ps: i would be happy to alpha/beta test for bugs and stuff derp didnt see download link enjoy your day!
  12. my uncle taught me how o be in a relationship with multiple girls at once. first thing he said was to call each of them bae

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Do what thou wilt, that beith the whole of the law.

      Just be willing to accept any consequences that might come thine way. For there art none but thineself to blame.

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Another tip: JUST DO IT! Don't let your dreams be dreams!

    4. Sutoratosu


      Yes... do it and accept whatever nuclear fallout comes from the end result.

      And don't whine about it if it blows up in your face...cause there's, you know, some sorta of risk of that.

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