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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. YOOOOOOOOOOOO IM BACK!!!! didja miss m3? :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solarance



    3. TRHStatement


      Just a little bit. Just a small amount.

    4. Vinny
  2. oh god... im gonna have to pay more attention to politics, now that there are actually debates and stuff... (even though i really don't care about politics... i just wanna know what our potential presidents will do )
  3. done packing! im gonna miss society... but at least ill have fun offscreen! ill try to be on one last time tomorrow :P otherwise, see you guys next sunday (hopefully)

    1. SnowGlaceon


      BAI SINI!!!

      Have fun man

    2. Fumble


      See ya, Sini!

    3. Linux


      What's going on?

  4. why would you want to use synchronize? also, welcome to the forums! feel free to introduce yourself in the grand hall!
  5. Well... Camp is tomorrow, and I have done zero packing for it. Gg

  6. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-monotype-28497 reason why torterra still sucks... ;-; even with max def and spD ev's
  7. uhh... replace meowstic for garde or/and metagross
  8. not gonna be here next week. have a camp to go to. see you then.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shing


      Bye sini.

    3. Hexagoen


      bruh... im still gonna be here for the rest of the week... just saturday when im leaving

    4. Shing


      ah i see.

  9. striving towards perfection is futile

    1. SnowGlaceon


      Deep kappa is deep

  10. Hexagoen


    i think murkrow got axed in v6 ... dont quote me on this tho
  11. crunchy obs who tf wants to eat a soft shell? water, air, fire, or earth?
  12. woah! im not TRHS ;-; did you forget who i really was, again? i must use too many alts, right SHIA?
  13. TIL... that im dumb. go figure
  14. one of these days, we are gonna play CAH... i just know it! plz make it a thing Q-Q derp... nevermind im dumb :/
  15. skype has one of the most weirdest emotes out there

    1. Shamitako


      Says the guy with the kappa avatar

    2. SnowGlaceon
  16. "aaaaaand i once was a child~"

    1. SnowGlaceon


      Still are Kappa

  17. Hexagoen

    what if?

    also, welcome to the forums! feel free to introduce yourself in the grand hall!
  18. im badass... and im american! does this count? SHIA~ i predict thee
  19. Hexagoen


    banned for saying it was a point, while in reality, it was an edge~
  20. honestly, not ALL girl streamers are disgusting money whores... there are good girl streamers out there, like omgitsfirefoxx and lolnatsumii to name a few its just the .1% of the girl streamer community that makes them look bad... just ignore that .1%!!!
  21. how to stop iced tea addiction

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