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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. Unfortunately for me, I get told the opposite. Probably because I barely shave, and I have a huge body frame.
  2. "Don't get me wrong I love dogs." No you dont, ifyou fucking lose your shit and fuking overreact when some dog accidentally pees on Not even a fucking carpet. Dont give me your fake ass lying shit. If you didnt want this, you should have fucking said so.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hexagoen


      Yeah, but they are fucking acting ike its a nuclear strike on russia or some shit. Like they are saying some quarintine shit. Like this isnt going to fucking cause are babies to grow a third limb

    3. Cobalt996


      It's prolly a "Idealized circumstance" view, where, so long as everything is perfect, they're fine with it. Anything disrupting the perfect state lets out any resentment trapped within.

    4. Neo


      Muh sjw boogeyman

  3. Oh yeah. Olympics are tomorrow.

    1. pbood2


      I KNOW. I'm excited for them. :) I bet this community will get salty as their countries win and lose lol.

  4. Can trailers for movies/games accurately describe the thing it is portraying for once?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      No. The point of them is to not do that as much as possible without gettin' flagged for false advertising.

  5. When you spent 10 minutes looking for your headphones when they were in your bed the entire time.

    1. Wendel


      When you spent half an hour looking for your glasses and you were wearing them

  6. When the beatmaps are easy af but you keep failing.

  7. As a recent purchaser of a drawing tablet, I can answer some of these. 1. To be quite honest, i prefer it that i dont see that is happening on the tablet. Having only one primary screen to draw on actually kinda helps me. (And as an Osu! player, its really satisfying to use a tablet.) Just think of it like typing on a keyboard. 2. Well, windows tablets aren't the only tablets in which you can see what your doing. I mean, get if you feel its a good purchase, otherwise, if your on a budget a wacom/huion is a good choice. (under 100) 3. Well, to be honest, PS is a really good app to use for drawing as it has an amazing UI, along with the added feature of editing photos. The major downside is the cost of PS. There are freeware out there like paint tool SAI, GIMP, and Krita, but they tend to have terrible UI (gimp having this weird multi window layout, and Krita not having a visible back button) so if you have the funds to do some monthly payments, go ahead. Otherwise good luck i guess. 4. Well this depends on what you want to do. I myself have a huion tablet, so im not that familliar with the branding of wacom. Just get the one that fits your needs (dont get the really old version that has the pen buttons on top though!) Well, thats it for me! Wish you luck in your artsy adventures~ Post script: Try asking someone like Zumi for more advice. She is experienced in this sort of thing and is happy to help
  8. To be honest, Civ 5 has lost its luster for me.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well 6 will apparently be a thing soon so... weee?! XD

    2. Felicity


      I mean there's only so much variation in the game. Eventually everyone has their limit of how acceptable that is.

  9. Can my fingers go faster?

    1. Maelstrom


      Eric "Slow Hand" Clapton says to consider slowing down for effect.

    2. Hexagoen


      This beatmap says otherwise.

  10. Dan, I didnt even realize you were gone for a while lmao. How was this aforementioned trip you took btw? And are you going to answer my PM? Welcome back btw
  11. Damnit Shen. Upload some more HoI4 already!

  12. How to fix sleep schedule so i don't sleep 1 in the morning and wake up at 1 in the afternoon.

    1. Wendel


      Don't be like me and still be awake at 4am and you'll be fine~

    2. Felicity


      sleep earlier. If you can't, sleeping pills taken properly can help you nod off at those times and kickstart the change

    3. Oxygen9


      Passing on info from my doctor: Force yourself to go to bed at the same time each night and set an alarm for 8 hours later. If you still feel tired after the alarm wakes you up then you have to just endure it. Eventually you'll get used to falling asleep and waking up at those times.

  13. herpaladerpdalamerpakalagerp

  14. When you just want to just let out a certain opinion but you are too tired to argue with everyones fucking bullshit about it.

  15. Can there be anyone good to vote for this november???

    1. Bearadactyl


      No one the Electoral College will support.

    2. Combat


      Write in?

    3. Bearadactyl


      That'll void your vote in most places. And, in the end the popular vote falls second to the Electoral College votes.

  16. Slowly but surely, Australia shall become the fascist power it was meant to be!

    1. Cepheus


      ruled by Emus!

      (I mean... hey... Australias Army lost a war againstr Emus...)

  18. Hello, Mooster~ How are you doing? Welcome to the totally magnificent reborn forum (and server if you want to live chat/battle with us.) Glad to see your enjoying the game! See you around here Best wishes, -Sini Post script: AAAAA OMG ANOTHER AVATAR FAN!!!!!!! SAME I LOVE THE SERIES >.>
  19. SO WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO POST SOMETHING IN THE RED CARPET. AAAAAAAAAA (btw congratulations on achieving the magnificent 750 post count~)
  20. /me wants to stream on twitch :/

    1. Sonikku



      JUST DO IT

    2. Hexagoen



      Doesnt have the good enough specs to actually stream.

    3. Hexagoen


      Trust me. ask someone like inno.

  21. Uggghhh. I dont know if its the mouse itself or the drivers. but sometimes my mouse just has extreme lag/appears to be off. I know its wireless and shit like that happens but like it was woring flawlessly until i had to do a forced update of w10. uggghhhh i absolutely hate this like idk how to fix it.

  22. Ah yes, a new member! Welcome to the forum that Uses almost as much .gif's as Imgur~ (Welcome to reborn Rick Astely, and yes that is the nickname im giving you) Kawaiireaperwavinghi.gif
  23. So guys, should i get the Titan X or wait for the Titan X to come out?
    1. Felicity


      wait. Always wait. Patience is gud.

    2. Cepheus


      but if you always wait, then you will wait forever :P

    3. Hexagoen


      ...It was a joke on how this new GPU has the same name as its predecessor lmao.

  24. In your location description, it says 'attached to a computer.' Like are you physically attached to a computer or, is 'computer' some physical location/person? Please give more detail on this mysterious computer! :3
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