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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. TIL: wendel is actually a boy! i always thought he was a grill lol cause i know a grill named wendel
  2. step 1: evolve bidoof Step 2: get a copy of e14 step 3: trade said bibarel for litleo Step 4: train litleo step 5: profit
  3. just start with a water starter, and get azumarill in beryl lol
  4. Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solarance



    3. TRHStatement



    4. Komodojoe


      ...Sorry. that's just what this reminded me of...

  5. Hexagoen


    welcome to reborn!
  6. ...must ...get ...off ...my ...lazy ass ...and ...go to ...gamestop ALREADY!!!
  7. welcome to reborn pal! excited to see you more on the forums! see you around
  8. damm

    1. Solarance


      son where'd you find this?

  9. halp. can someone gimme a new avatar? i am kinda getting tired of the filthy frank memes...
  10. update: "with my amazing mechanical skills (a complete lie) i was able to get my washer working again, and thus, with my mom amazed with my mechanical skills (another complete lie) she was ultimately persuaded to give me back my goddamn computer" yep. (but i did sorta repair the washer with the help of my dad lol)

    1. zimvader42


      give the computer to your dad.

    2. Odybld


      Celebrate by changing your avatar to something better than FF

    3. Hexagoen


      @zim he already has one

      @ody im trying

  11. Well... My mom decided to be a dick... Again and my laptop... Again... How the hell was I supposed to know that you don't put rugs with normal clothing in a washer? It's not my fault that it broke...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Meruem


      get rekt

    3. Pocky


      I mean, you probably should've asked what to do with them.

    4. MoneyMadam


      Not trying to be a douche but pocky kind of makes a good point. :/

  12. derp. i meant long beach island sorry bout that
  13. charmander in the early game for me was awesome!
  14. went to ze long beach island yesterday~ ya
  15. also if your not using a ditto, the female pokemon will always determine the species of the pokemon, which is why all of the eggs were bellsprout, since your weepingbell was female and your lotad was male! good luck breeding your perfect modest shiny ludicolo with egg moves!
  16. do you wanna build a snowman?

    1. MoneyMadam


      Let it go man, let it go.

    2. Peepeepoopoo


      Only if we can get scones after.

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