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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. pre julia, there are alot off good event mons too get! such as: budew litleo teddiursa gulpin espurr aand the kriketot that you mentoined! good luck!
  2. meh. it would be too farfetch'd too tell you the answer...
  3. is it bad that my laptop's mousepad keeps spazzing out every goddamm second and i have to restart the laptop every second???

    1. Shamitako
    2. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      try using a plug-in mouse, like, a USB mouse

    3. Hexagoen
  4. welcome to reborn!
  6. i cant think of a good status post lol

    1. Zekktech


      Meanwhile on the moon...

  7. dammit i was gonna start this topic... :C all the rep i would've gotten :c y'all need to hear floatzel's cry, its b00tyful <3
  8. heading up to upstate NY today for a picnic :D might not be online later today :P

  9. dayum! nicee!!! i have yet to breed my lucario... or my good pokes yet :C i applaud you for doing this! must have taken awile~
  10. i watched wall-e for the first time. the feels ;-:
  11. umm you can do: crobat metagross lapras alakazam noivern flygon empoleon azumarill toxicroak medicham emolga emboar magnezone gengar tyrantrum camerupt nido queen/king dragalge aggron aerodactyl lucario porygon-z etc.. this is assuming you can go back to e14 and have completed e15 good luck!
  12. "here in my garage,"

    1. Flux



  13. well, my plan to go biking turned into me playing the piano for the afternoon...

    1. Bluewolf


      Because piano is awesome! I can't play for shit though.

    2. Arkhi


      Good. Piano playing > Biking

  14. you can always put the dragalge in rotation where you can have both pokemon to use... i have one and a half boxes of pokemons ready to use in my reborn save lol. EDIT: dammit why cant i say these things first stop stealing my lines (ninja'd)
  15. finally murica has done something good for once~

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