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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. mega bidoof obs type: doesnt need one, it already beats all the other pokemon lol base stats: Atk: ∞ Def: ∞ SpAtk: ∞ SpDef: ∞ Speed: ∞ BST: too much for mere mortals to comprehend... Ability: Holy aura -nullifies any type of weather no matter how important -nullifies the effects of defog so opponents cant remove hazards -any pokemon in service to our great lord gets a boost to all its stats to max -pokemon on bidoof's side cannot lower any of their stats and are immune to having their stats lowered by anything -contrary to this, all pokemon on the opposing side have all their stats decreased o the lowest regardless of m-bidoof* being brought out -pokemon on the opposing side of bidoof* cannot increase their stats any higher than the lowest stat possible, and as such, using moves such as dragon dance is fucking pointless and wastes the opponents turn. lol. -pokemon who have this baller ability can have their moves go first and has the highest priority out there -pokemon with this ability can have their moves go faster than any other moves in existence. this includes: protect, extreme speed, quick attack, and aany other move that would normally go first mega-bidoof is not banned from the competitive meta in any tier, and as such may be used in any tier. mega-bidoof is too cool for the ban-hammer. shut up smogon. *the only other pokemons to have this baller ablity are: lord helix and goomy
  2. i have been listening to this guy lately, he has some pretty good guitar covers out there~
  3. welcome to reborn Miss ArtOfMe021~ to the left, its the community rules, and above that is the link to pokemon showdown, where fellow members can fight and chat! also dont confuse the search bar, which by the way is the top bar, and the status bar which is the bottom bar~ well unless you want to talk about episode 12 and stuff~ enjoy your stay, and be sure to have fun! cee yoy round~ *poof*
  4. 1. Darude-Sandstorm 2. Darude-Sandstorm 3. MLG420blazeitdaruderickastleyw33ddankstorm >:] <3
  5. rick astley's been trolling before trolling was relevant. get used to it.
  6. autumm is a scrub here <3 welcome to the forums! the community rules are to your left, and above that is the reborn showdown servers! where fellow members can duke it out and chat~ also a thing to note is that the search bar is above the member info the bar below he member info is the status bar where people like me and you can post derpy things its a clever hoax by ame to confuse people well enjoy your stay in the wonderful forums of reborn! be sure to make lots of frens and have fun! cee yoy round~ *poof*
  7. out of all the pokemon out there, who has the best cry? i vote for floatzel :P

  8. thank you for showing me where to find it! anywhoo gratz
  9. /me is a small ass 5'3 asian boi... i could definet do noel... just have to lose a couple of pounds to sell the look~
  10. (insert lenny face)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MoneyMadam


      ᕦ( ~ ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ Did somebody call?

    3. Nova


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    4. RasenShot


      /╲/( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)/\╱\

  12. welcome, BryseF44~ the rules are to your left, and above that is the reborn showdown servers where you can battle and chat with us! enjoy your stay here on the reborn forums, and make yourself at home! cee yoy round~ *poof*
  13. welcome, Renoskage~ the rules are to your left, and above that is the reborn showdown servers where you can battle and chat with us! enjoy your stay here on the reborn forums, and make yourself at home! cee yoy round~ *poof*
  14. teh dank sleepeth consumeth meh... (doesnt help that my family -and i- went out for hot pot this evening lol)

  15. it doesnt even matter lol.
  16. Does this mean that amaria is the gym leader in e16?
  17. if your asking my opinion, i have never played the mystery dungeon games might take a look at the new one!
  18. jurassic world was AWESOME!

    1. krim


      I saw it on Sunday. Apparently there are going to be two more.

    2. CURIE


      Thaaaaat's a "citation needed" statement if ever I saw one

    3. Maelstrom


      It was awesome. And I would love for there to be two more movies.

  19. :C its sad too see you go, but good luck with college and all that! you'll always be welcomed here! good luck pal! cee yoy round~
  20. thanks to my aunt who lives up north for warning me about a thunderstorm coming to my area soon~

    1. Solarance


      Your aunt should be a meteorologist!

  21. welome to reborn fren! #delibirdisthebetterpenguin enjoy your stay!!! cee yoy round
  22. what do you guys think?

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