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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. welcome Mr. Nanami~ to the right, the search bar and the status bar are there. dont confuse the two! also the rules are there. lol. just read them kay~ also above those rules is a link to the shoedank servers! where fellow reborn members can battle n' stuff~ enjoy your stay! cee yoy reund~ *poof!*
  2. i cant decide on a forum avi to use XP

  3. i miight be suicidal, but mega alt was kinda easy... i wuld suggest mega sala, but isnt that Heather's ace? so maybe mega dragonite?
  4. welcome to the reborn forums! to the right are the rules, and above that is the link to the reborn showdank servers! come on and battle, and chat with us! enjoy your stay! cee yoy round~
  5. my dad wont let me buy RPG Maker :C

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peepeepoopoo
    3. zimvader42


      As far as I'm aware forums don't support pirated stuff but... it was just too expensive for me.

    4. Cepheus


      I was actually suprised seeing it cost anything, when it popped up on steam.

      In my Teenage day the RPGMaker 2000/2k3 were freely available on the internet... you know their official site...

  6. even though i can do fox pretty well, i want to see how you do it~ might give me some tips on how to better main fox!
  7. dont be talking shit about my man Mr. Bigglesworth... somewhere in the wasteland~
  8. orrly~ hmm? RU Singles right now. or UBERs anyways, welcome to reborn! seeing as you probably already know about our server, be sure to check out the rules aswell! cee yoy round~
  9. dragon (well at least with this ep) should be fairly hard to do... well until you get other dragons... axew trapinch (if your willing to goo back to e14) it should be pretty fun to do! good luck!
  10. WOOT!!! SUMMER!!!

    1. Avatar of Grima
    2. Vinny


      woot winter.


    3. KingRyan


      my summer started and ended 2 weeks ago. my dad canceled my summer vacation to replace it with me finding and carrying out a job and preparation for uni. godamnit just get me out now.

  11. i just realized something: Chubb and like a bunch of people who got here -AFTER- me, have like a bazillion more posts and rep than me... am i really that inactive??? (not that it matters tho lol)

    1. Commander


      It depends where you hang out at. Some places will make your post count and rep crazy high aka the Vinny effect.

    2. RasenShot


      Dude, I've been here since the first "shofu wave" (2013-ish), and I have about the same amount of posts you have, so don't sweat it mate. :]

    3. Vinny


      That's actually common with some people that stay more on the server than the forum.

      No worries fren you're all right :]

  12. welcome back, person i barely know~ since you haven't been here for a while, check out the reborn site rules! some major rules were added though one of them will end next week also feel free to go on the reborn showdown servers! where fun things happen!! cee yoy round~ i totally stole this from vinny XD
  13. Charmander, but no dragon rage for the first three gyms! enjoy!
  14. i change my render distance by two chunks and this is what happens... http://prntscr.com/7jq4c2

    1. Arkhi



    2. Sutoratosu


      He hath found you...

  15. good nigth peple of reborn~

  16. gay couples can be a thing you know...
  17. as the most awesome leader of the air/lightning faction, i invite all neutral players who are intrested and all players who are in factions but are tired of the faction their in, to join the air/lightning faction! come one come all! (will be updated) leader: Sinikuro (obviously) -nickname: Seel co-leader: Zekkteck -nickname: Zekk Members: Jaromir (is awesome) -nickname: crobat Mah homie~ (murdoc) -nichname: Jinouga
  18. i was around here around e14, but if i wasnt so lazy, i would have been here around the time shofu made his first episode of reborn.
  19. lol. assorted nuts. but gl with that channel! may the subscribers flock to you
  20. is life worth?

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Temptation to answer "no, go die" is strong... Seriously, of course it is. Think of it this way: the effort to find your purpose is in itself a purpose, the mere fact that you are living justifies your existance... Really, humans are the only creatures dumb enough to talk about life instead of, you know, living it.

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