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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. not cool.

    1. Hexagoen


      no one tells me to shut up.

  2. *shows the RP section* welcome to reborn! enjoy your stay here! cee yoy round~
  3. nice! for me, it was when i sweeped charloette with my swampert then again that was reborn 14.5 so not much of a achievment :C
  4. starly is also found in route three~ along with its evo's
  5. wow that sucks... shade crept in just dont worry bout it~
  6. no pokemon this time :C
  7. http://agar.io/ ... this game...
    1. RasenShot


      It was nice to be top 10 for 20 secs tho.

    2. Arkhi


      Everyone eats me :c

  8. just name your main save (which is in the C drive of your computer) something like game1.rxdata and then on the game, the save wont show~ and you can play another file, and both saves exist! EDIT: ninja'd thrice :C
  9. 222 posts boi~

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge


    2. Peepeepoopoo


      Get on ^ that guy's level.

  10. wait... are you implying that audacity is hard to use? cause its pretty simple~ just saying... ill sugest one when i can think of one...
  11. i saw this too on showdown. honestly we all shouldn't hate on this person. maybe they don't know about all this controversy about sexism and they just mentioned women by accident. all we should do is just warn him about it and hope this doesn't happen again... i am way too lax with people ... but if they said females intentionally in that way, then by all means hate on him. he deserves every bit of it! just my two cents in on this matter~
  12. im breadcrumbs.

    1. HakuTaku


      how did you escaped from my dish

  13. TIL: girls (well, in my school) can, one day hate you and the next day want to date you... life is weird.
  14. lol. fletchling. "What did you expect from someone that made a game similar to reborn? She learned to much from Ame..." -foovy jan is a boy...
  15. but now they knoooooooowwwwwwwwwww,

  16. but seriously welcome to reborn! cee yoy round'
  17. Let it gooo Let it gooooo~

    1. laggless01


      Dude, you should let it go.

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