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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. huppeh birthday~ one year closer to your inevitable death by nature and time! enjoy the rest of your life!
  2. since the art thread is kinda ded :C here what i draw'd today :Phttp://imgur.com/72fTL62 fear my crappy art skills!

    1. Shamitako


      Is not a Richard, am disappoint

  3. i got bored / 10 fear my crappy drawing skills! and my crappy camera... and my almost broken pen! ...
  4. vlado you did nothing. he just figured it out.... unless you PM'd him
  5. ... imagine is every species of a pokemon had a mega?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aurorain


      Mega Sunflora confirmed for Uber tier. <3

    3. Shamitako


      *Waves* You should talk to Bazaro

    4. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Mega Farfetch'd, Mega Dunsparce, Mega Wobbuffet.

  6. "welcome person that i clearly don't know"
  7. Julia - 1 try (dragon rage on charmeleon OP) Florinia - 3 tries (makuhita + charmeleon sweep) third try was when i figured out how to beat the cradily... Corey - 2 tries (next run i use charmander im not learning dragon rage... also emolga was awesome this round) Shelly - 10 tries (first nine were because i didnt know how to destroy the field... the tenth try was when i got charges for arson in the lapis ward ) Shade - 8 tries (HP azumarill OP) Kiki - 1 try (Prankster shiny meowstic OP) Aya - 25 to 40 tries i think... (stupid wasteland field, stupid dragalge) Serra - 1 try... (beat her in e14 when she was simple.... got too impatient waiting for e15 to come out) ... thats all i have for now ill edit this post when i can fully remember what happened to noel and the rest of the leaders... im tired...

  9. celestine cascade... go down a certain waterfall~ EDIT: ninja'd
  10. you must have low standards if you fell in love with yourself...

  12. might trade something soon... honestly in my opinion you should bring the badge requirement from 4 badges to 6 badges, cause if people can trade with only progress from shade, it might be overpowered with people getting good mons that early... also serra is a good place to have the badge requirement since serra is fairly hard now in e15. hope this helps!
  13. dad comes back from vacation from the PHILIPPINES... brings back Japanese candy's...

    1. Pocky


      i bet he ate jolibees without you

    2. Hexagoen
    3. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      Jollibee is overrated due to how cheap their food is. I'm tired of them kicking out the other fast food places.

  14. meh imma about to do this again legit this time ill edit my post when im done! honestly my other class was more cooler than this one at least im way faster!
  15. i want to legit draw something but i dont have the tablet/drawing program to do so :C

    1. Shamitako


      *Points at the pencils and paper*

  16. What is your favorite holiday? - [6/13/2015] obviously its my birthday! (march 20th) its a day where people actually acknowledge my existence and give me free things/money for like 10 hours until night when they go back to their normal lives and forget my existence untill 365 days later.
  17. That was a good 10 hour nap!

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