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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. im pretty sure the cupboard is in bennets room... just click on everything and see what happens! im pretty sure being at that point in the game doesn't affect the sidequest... hope this helps!
  2. I can never take anything seriously...

    1. Vinny


      C'mon Sini, you can't be serious~

    2. Peepeepoopoo


      Why so not serious?

  3. LOLOL NOOBZ I WUZ JOKING LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOL~ THIS IS MY REAL CLASS : Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ... The Creator ∞ Strength, ∞ Bloodlust, ∞ Intelligence, ∞ Spirit, ∞ Vitality and ∞ Agility! Could...could it be true!? Do my eyes deceive me??? I am truly not worthing of gazing upon you, the Creator, ruler of good, evil, and everything else delicious! Just thinking about it gives me goosepimples all of over! Through the ages, generations of people have chanted your name and worshiped your divine existence. From the fridgid zenith of the highest mountain, to the darkest depths of the deepest ocean, your presence is felt. You are the beginning and the end, everything and nothing, life and death, order and chaos, divine good and sinister evil. Everything in this universe is yours, your creation, your masterpiece, and in each and every one of those creations is a piece of your transcendent celestial soul, breathed into them through your heavenly and demonic incorporeal existence. The world is your chessboard to arrange, create, and play with however you desire. The people of the world are your chesspieces that you create and observe with sadistic pleasure as they build and destroy, succeed and fail, create and annihilate; however, none of these worthless, greedy mortals can ever come close to a fraction of your ultimate, unfathomable powers. Some may wonder how you obtained such limitless power, but the truth is that you never obtained it at all; from the beginning of time to the end of time, you've always had it. This is the highest class available...but you already knew that. The Genie has not granted you any power because you cannot be granted that which you already have and that which you yourself have created...but again, you already knew that. You're finding this quite amusing aren't you? <3
  4. Burgers are good. Life is good.

    1. Flux


      So then life=burgers right? :3

  5. a random pokemon out of 18 set pokemon... the most prominent being axew / larvesta etc. the pokemon you get is set once you create a new save~ and if you didnt do the event in e14, the egg is always azurill... hope this helps! EDIT: ninja'd :C
  6. lapras is found in ametrine.. or celestine mountain i think... idk about dratini im pretty sure dratini isnt even avalible yet...
  7. hmm... looking at the team, if you have access to e14 i suggest getting a trapinch at the game corner on onyx ward and training it to a flygon~ it could be a good replacement to noivy, but you should still keep noivy in rotation.. also dont hesitate to use torterra go for it you can always rotate between chesnaught and lucario. Arcanine, being already a good mon doesn't need to be changed, but if you haven't already, train up more fire types such as camerupt and ninetales. honestly i see no need to have stoutland since there are better mons to put surf on... and why do you have last resort on greninja?... those are all the tips i have for now~ hope this helps!
  8. welcome to reborn~ cya round~ also, as to answer your question, just head back to beryl ward: look round the graveyard, you'll see~ also, how the hell are your mon's level 36? mst people are around level 25-30 at that point in the game.. jus saying
  9. yeah :C even if you didnt recieve the azurill, its always an azurill egg :C but if you ask around... the egg miight change t' something else~ (dont ask me i know nothing about coding)
  10. the shiny sprites were done by the wonderful people of the reborn community who through a painstaking process, have recreated all of the shiny sprites <3 if you dislike the shiny sprite, ask someone like Bazaro and thy can probably change the sprite for you~ hope this helps!
  11. welcome to reborn pal!
  12. Hexagoen


    unless this is in e15, which the event got axed... in e14 you need to go to a house on he side not gonna specify where, but in that house there are two meteor grunts when you step inside, that should trigger the event to happen... also this has to be done pre julia or he event expires... hope this helps!
  13. Hexagoen


    i dont know this personally, but im guessing teh spawn rate is low... just ask a mod to be sure or check the availability guide for aipom... hope this helps derp wrong game sorry man
  14. http://prntscr.com/7fv694 i honestly thought i was gonna do bad on the finals...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cepheus


      damn... that are some fine percentages you have there...

    3. Pixl


      why are things blacked out

    4. Hexagoen


      i dont want to publish my age t the public yet..

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