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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. you all can blame Papa Franku for my member title~

  2. that misdreavus event was axed... it was moved to the cave where the ghastly was... which by the way was axed... if you already got ghastly then oyu cant get misdreavus... sorry...
  3. welp i figged up a word in my member title...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako
    3. Ikaru


      well I was going to offer to fix it but then I read that and you're on your own

    4. Rezilia


      Uh... Wow. lol

  4. got the item, how do you change the member title?

    1. Odybld


      Go to the Site Shop and click at My Portofolio

  5. is anyone willing to donate 644 reborn rupees to me?

  6. Ark-Sempai~ this masterpiece was made for some scrub called Arkenal Zeno... enyoy!
  7. tfw your crush says -right in front of you- that she doesn't like you...

    1. BIGJRA


      a moment of silence for our brother in the friendzone

    2. Simon


      Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you're doing okay.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      That's...harsh. Sorry, man.

  8. unlike other people, i have the luxury of my mom screaming at me and dragging me out of bed to the showers... also i have 5 alarms just for the purpose of waking up...
  9. dont mean to be mini modding... but why the three posts in a row? you can always just edit the first post... just saying
  10. ... Does anyone else read the Disney logo as "Disnep"?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hiss13


      As a kid, I always wondered why the logo said Gisnep~

    3. zimvader42


      Gisnep, indeed.

    4. NickCrash
  11. just grind it to lvl 48 get nasty plot, then common candy it ... EDIT: ninja'd
  12. i had one of those pikachu stuffed animals from the 90's it was in pretty good condition, until my baby niece accidentally cut off the tail with scissors, (which to this day i still dont know how she got hold of the scissors....) then after that the rest of the stuffed pikachu, got devoured by my dog :C RIP, Pikachu stuffed doll: sometime in the 90's to 2009
  13. in pretty sure that there's an 'official' trading topic somewhere where people can 'trade' pokemon.. ill edit and link once i find it
  14. why not both, you can always rotate between them...
  15. Am i addicted to the minecraft reborn server now???

  16. Lapras is bae <3

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