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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. SHOFU????????

  2. ZOMG E15'S OUT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (at least for the community...

    1. zimvader42


      What does that mean? I can play it already then?

    2. Hexagoen
    3. zimvader42



  3. welcome, person with a pretty cool Articuno sig! The rules are t' your left, and above that is the reborn showdown servers where i usually hang out either way its a pretty cool place where battles happen and chat is.... well chat! enjoy your time here Caee uoy rauda' *ninja teleports out*
  4. Hexagoen


    the only location i know where zubat is, is in the Glitch world... which is after charloette
  5. welcome! person with a cat picture! the rules are to your left, and above that is the reborn showdown servers where battles happen! enjoy your day/night/evening/morning/whatever time your on here! cee oy rundz~ *POOOOOOOOOOOF*
  6. "So accurate and educational, this taught me alot!"
  7. *insert obvious comment about Rep*

  8. just download the download for e15 (when it comes out) and, because your save is in a different area than the game, the save will load (the save is in the c drive BTW: C:\Users\(user)\Saved Games\Pokemon Reborn ) hope this helps :DDD
  9. I shall miss you, person i hardly knew... but still cya
  10. Goddamit i hate blackouts :(


    1. Jacobliterator


      Forecast calls for MORE RAWR!

  12. Is it weird that i watch season 2 of an anime rather than starting with season 1?

    1. zimvader42
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Considering I know some people skip like the first 20 or so episodes of Hitman Reborn... na not really lol. I think it would definitely depend on the ANime though, cause some first seasons are just slow lol.

  13. "Abyss favors the forsaken..."

  14. i was looking for a good Japanese-y sounding name for my twitter account, and the UN: Sinikuro seemed to have a nice ring to it and so i stuck to it... a while back, i was part of another forum that had nothing to do with pokemon (it was a minecraft server) (this was like 5 years ago i think) and i chose the name "uhduh13" why, because i was a pretty sassy person back then...LOL if someone was to really dig deep into my history, around a decade ago, i was on club perguin *gasp* and i was really young back then, back then i was into the anime *gasp* Naruto and as my simplistic childhood mind could figure out, Sasuke's chidori is *gasp* blue! so on club penguin, my UN owen was her? was "BluThunder12" yep. TL;DR: Present: Sinikuro 5 years ago: "uhduh13" a decade ago: "BluThunder12"
  15. hello person with the taco avi~ the rules are to your left, and above that is the link to the reborn showdown servers where things happen such as battling n' stuff! yay! enjoy your stay here! and have good yay time fun!!!
  16. chub, imma make a field soon, ill edit this post when im done~ Its called rainbows unleashed! it goes with the my custom move, Rainbow Blast care to guess what this field's about?
  17. when i found a legit gen 5 shiny mahwile!!! (without shiny charms and that shiny increased rate method) (it was my first legit shiny)
  18. is this technically necroposting? yash, can i have a bulbasaur and a froakie (specificlly with protean. duh.) also, any starter-exclusives that your willing to spare they dont have to be bred, i jus want to have one plz <3 thanks bud. it would mean alot for me. cya.
  19. is it bad that the only reason i want ace, is for the + sign in shhodown?

    1. NickCrash


      Yes it's bad, and you should feel bad. Being Voiced makes little difference.

    2. Vinny


      Alexus will tell you it's fucking worth it for the "+" sign.

      No opinion on it, tbh.

    3. Shamitako


      No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. + sign is love, + sign is life

  20. a magikarp team. a team around the emo rockstar mega-absol! (in UU)
  21. dudududdududduddudduddududdudududduddududududu.

  22. granted, but you go extinct >: P i wish for ace.
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