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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. welcome, person with a trollface the rules are to your left, (which you probably already know...) and above that is the reborn showdown servers! where stupid gen 1 CC tours happen... *cough* Baz *cough* enjoy your stay here in the awesome forum's of reborn! cee uoy dounai *ninja teleports away*
  2. happy birthdayMr/Mrs/Mis/Xyr Reborn!

  3. we all know that this was the first <3

    1. Hexagoen


      but this is my actual first :P

  4. honestly, this video is more of an education video, but it's still funny as hell~
  5. reborn wish 69: we get a copy of dragon tamer weekly~

    1. Odybld


      yes yes yes. Someone sprite the cover pls

    2. Felicity


      uhhhhhhhhhh. Whatever floats your boat

    3. Simon


      gud wish. need weekly volumes asap.

  6. welcome to reborn, Mr/Mrs/miss/xyr Spped! the rules are to your left, and above that is teh holy link t the reborn shhodown servers! where you can battle, and chat! yay! i hope you enjoy your stay here! bai!!!!! *ninja teleport's away!*
  7. welcome to reborn, Chimmie! the rules are to your left, and above that is the reborn shhodown servers where you can battle, n' chat!!! hope you enjoy your time here and see you around~ *teleports away*
  8. reborn wish 11: triple batles plz...

  9. [20:43:23] Sinikuro: ... while i was walking, i had a very philosophical talk with my mind about the circle of life[20:43:31] Sinikuro: that is all.

  10. welcome to reborn, person with a cyndaquil sprite~ the rulez are to your left, and above that is the holy link t' the reborn shhodown serverz! where you can chat, and battle in stupid gen1 random CC tours... anywayz, enyoy your stay in reborn
  11. chose fire just because of the description. [18:10:15] Explosms: I like people voting fire types [18:10:25] Explosms: Cause that means Cyndaquil ... you might not want to limit yourself to cyndaquil. its a good starter and all, but cyndi is abalivle in 7th street, and there are good starter-exclusives such as charmander.. but its your choice... just saying... enjoy your reborn run!
  12. just watch this guide right here, by nikaboo:
  13. 0.o Since when was the ghost song, death metal? amirite~
  14. why do i always find myself changing my avi's to Kagimane Len???

    1. Hexagoen


      *kagamine* derp typo -_-

    2. Vinny


      It looks good \o/

    3. Chevaleresse


      Because hes adorable

  15. what i recommend, is, once you beet Radomus, go to 7th street and get an EXP share, (which is also obtainable in the onyx game center, but rare) also, gt some powerful mons on your team such as, gardevoir, azumarill, camerupt, scrafty, pangoro, swampert, and many more, all of which are avalible as of e14... why dont you introduce yourself in the grand hall? hope this helps!
  16. I hate thunderstorms...

    1. Maelstrom


      But they're the best.

    2. Magus


      Just remember, there is some poor bastard in the Fleet sweeping off water on a flight deck.

  17. Hexagoen


    also, if you want the other fossil, jsut get a pigot, with the name BIRD JESUS hope this helps
  18. welcome to reborn, person who loves alakazam! the rules are to your left, and the shhodown servers (where you can chat n' battle), are above that! enjoy your stay!
  19. Why is it so hot in Murica' im practically dying in my classroom....;-;

  20. Welcome to reborn, Cara! The rules are to your left, and above that, is the reborn showdown servers! A safe and relaxing and totally not a weird place to chat where you can chat,n' battle n' stuff!!! Hope to see you around~ *Matt used teleport*
  21. <<< ;-; but seriously, i like the changes, it makes getting earning ace more rewarding tho...
  22. welp, i might not be ace for a while now...

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