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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. this is probably one of my most favorie soundtracks in oras
  2. Im so hot right now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iowayshay


      call da po-lice an da fireman~

    3. Peepeepoopoo


      Here, have some liquid nitrogen.

    4. Helia


      If you're not making a dragon want to retire you're not being hot.

  3. yep, i was really bored. i wanted to show people what a real team looks like tho...
  4. You all are doing it wrong. Lemme show you how it's done.~ The sweeper: The wall: The tank: The counter: The staller: The healer: Y'all can thank me later, when you start winning battles...
  5. I swear to god... if my computer breakes, just before e15 is released...

  6. http://prntscr.com/79an2m momo-ground game is strong....
    1. Azeria


      Not enough Excadrill bleh...

    2. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      team payer tho

  7. My new gardening hose suck's ass...

  8. welcome to reborn, pal! the rules are to your left, and above that is the reborn shhodown servers, where you ca battle n' stuff! also, annoy the hell out of Eterna for me, kay? enjoy your stay at the reborn hotels! Where insanity is present
  9. Hexagoen


    Welcome to reborn! Dangit yash i was gonna mention you... the rules are to your left and above that is the link to the reborn showdown servers, where you can battle n' stuff enjoy your stay !
  10. welcome to reborn! rules are to your left, and above that is reborn's shhodown servers! where you can chat/battle other members!!! enyey your stay!
  11. welp, just completed E14...

    1. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      Only one step closer to losing your sanity

    2. Vinny


      nice glasses

  12. http://prntscr.com/78xx5g (spoilers?) time for some old-school GB action!
    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot


  13. welcome to reborn, pal! why don't you introduce yourselves the rules are to your left, and above that, is the link to the showdown servers! where you can battle n' stuff!!! enjoy your stay soon, yash shall take your sanity, arkidon shall give you an unnecessary but obliged song and a lot of people will welcome you
    1. Simon


      lol at the lines all over the place. rip tho.

  14. *cough*route two*cough*

  15. Happy birthday Mr.Shingling just one year less till' your death >:] loljk, but seriously happy b'day man
  16. Hot chocolate in winter iced tea in summer though, what cheers me up the most is when i go and stalk my sempai >:]
  17. Fact: Pizza is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

    1. Cepheus


      and cold Pizza from the day before is BEST breakfast :P

    2. Hexagoen


      ^^^ thats exactly what im eating right now


    3. Garnet.
  18. welcome to reborn! why dont you introduce yourself? says the residential perv anyways, enjoy your stay, the rules are to your left, and have a grute tiem also, if you want to, our reborn showdown servers are also on the left side of the screen! there you can, battle n' chat n' stuff
  19. We all know who the real Weavile president is... Its me
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