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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. Route one: where people spam oran berries at miltank to get discounted moo-moo milk...http://prntscr.com/76gew6

    1. Simon


      As well as to see the erm, interesting conversations when talking to a Miltank while riding a Tauros.

      Also, it is quick way to make cash by selling off the Moo-Moo Milk.

  2. Welcome to reborn! The rules n' stuff are to your right (below your member photo) enjoy your stay!
  3. ye ye -eventually- (NOPE! not now)
  4. 0/10 needs more Destroy my suggestion is to get: Kurama (ninetails) Scrafty/Pangoro (just progress a little bit in the story) and Duskull, all of which are available before Shade...
  5. http://prntscr.com/76exum ... it is time.
    1. ZEL


      One of my favourite parts of the game. The dialogues get hilarious towards the end tbh. (It's also possibly the only time where Sigmund says something that made me laugh.)

  6. "Welcome to Reborn-" Do it! i want to see teh booms!!! Also if your interested, there's also the reborn Shhodown servers, where you can battle n' chat n' stuff
  7. Imagine if Ame replaces Azumarill with magikarp... (which will never happen)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vinny


      \o/ Godraydos

      hi5 Omega

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      I could see it being a Tympole. Seismitoad is nothing stellar.

    4. Odybld


      It's a Growlithe we must give up, so I guess it will be something just as good.

  8. you forgot how are you -im i person. duh. -Im a powerful Staraptor who rules the kingom of Diggersby-tho while worshiping our lord, and saviour Goomy... -"I'm archer: here in dis bitch!" - Somewhere near NY (not specifying) - Because, dis is reality. "ain't anything fair" ye
  9. "Because, we all want another one" So, as you may guess from the title, this is a AMA post! Where you can -litrally- ask me anything! yay! ~Go on, little pheasant, post your question already... "b-but..." ~no i insist! "b-but i ddont have any questions-" DO IT ALREADY YOU FREAKING IDIOT JHDDFIULRUGIRUFFWFIRFIF4NFE4FJFFE92E8U3RIVBVIVV!!!1111!!!1!!!!!!11! "o-okay sempai" ye... EDIT: i might also want to add that you should ask legit qustions... plz
  10. Vinny, your a god.... no really... Also:
  11. Hexagoen


    Banned for having a Salamence, in a team full o legendaries...
  12. well, just go up to route two and (if you've beaten the crustle puzzle) go to ametrine mountain and surf up to the river beside the pulse avalugg avalanche and going right, will bring you to calcenon city... Hope this helps
  13. really? wikipedia..... *sigh* out of all the sources you could've used you use wikipedia... anyways, e15 production is at the point of being stuck at the last five perent. yay.
  14. this^^^ basically what yuo need to do, is to go and set your date to a EXACT week later and go into a new area, and the weather should reset... hope this helps
  15. I want a sapphira one... MAKE IT
  16. Do yuu liek my bootyful face?

  17. durp. another derpy picure Scuse' the crappy headphones EDIT: also ill be getting glasses very soon ill be sure t' post that...
  18. I'm laughing soo hard on this right now.... Also good job on the sims! Maybe some of the main protagonists? (specifically decibel plz)
  19. yay. e15 hype!!! ( i cannot wait for shofu's rage...)

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