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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. soo cahyuteeehhhhhhhh..... I might post a picture of my sisters dog, (a Australian hybrid) -eventually- also: 60 posts yay...
  2. @tauvhieq this isnt even the right post for it... anyways, to answer your question, the ralts was moved waaay later in the game (post aya AKA 5th gym leader) (to op plz nerf/move/axe) to the underground railnet, in one of the rocksmashable rooms. either way espurr/ meowstic is still great in the early game btw. just because you dont have these powerful mons early on doesn't mean that your gonna fail, come up with strageties! hope this helps
  3. I have no motivation, whatsoever... http://prntscr.com/74liy9

  4. Welcome to reborn! Shortly, Yash's snorlax shall take your sanity, please wait for a little while until then...
  5. Ashes, is technically 19 soo.... penny (twenty)
  6. TIL: water is amazing at this time of the year, also air conditioners...
  7. congradulations mr. Pyrrhon on the ace thingy
  8. Totally not gonna do this when i reach ace status *sigh* eventually... Congrats Mr. Asses.... ye
  9. nupe... its meeee ye i predict...........
  10. Hexagoen


    welcome to reborn!
  11. uhhh.... just walk around with it in you party for a bit -then- level up... ye
  12. 50 posts hype!!

    1. Hexagoen


      nm its 51 now

  13. Hexagoen


    Haii cool back story, i also watched shofu's reborn playthrough when it first came out, but i never actually played the game... until now Also, welcome to reborn!!! EDIT: yay! 50 posts
  14. now sentence! While they were,
  15. yes the magnemite is still there when you beat him. Just look around in the wings, there are wild pokemon still there hope this helps
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