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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. is my team slowly turning into Shofu's team? ._. http://prntscr.com/747pzy

    1. Odybld


      How does Hariyama pull captain Ginyu's pose?

    2. Omega_Ra1der


      the front sprite, nuff said

    3. Hexagoen


      it was a random nickname i came up with...

  2. ashes, the video is not working for me...
  3. Yay... Glasses... im gonna look like such a freaking nerd...

    1. zimvader42


      Honestly, more than half the people I know wears glasses. At this point the people who don't have glasses would be the nerds...

    2. Felicity
    3. Omega_Ra1der


      my joke "So you failed the eye test?"

      coming from a glasses guy

  4. just come up with a strategy with other mons! don't rely on only powerful mons such as scraggy, there are a bunch of other options to use!
  5. Azumarill... i know it will be axed/moved later in the game in e15, but still, its a baller pokemon...
  6. Honestly, for me, its bug/poison types i mean like cool poison types like nidoking and dragalge, are coool and all, but there are mons like gardobor, and muk that are ruining the type for me... And bugs, i hate bugs...
  7. Squad looking powerful! http://prntscr.com/73v0qc

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hexagoen


      ... chose churizard as starter

    3. Odybld


      Shinystone it already

    4. Hexagoen


      cant find it anywhere...

  8. yea i kinda figured you would say that kinda messed up on the whole link thing... anyways, listening to some... :
  9. duddudududddududududdududududududdduddudududdududududududududdd dddududududduududududududududududududududududududududududdudud ddduddudduuududududududududududududududududududududududududududu ddudududududududdudududududududududduduuududduduudududduu yup
  10. 10/10 dat crown in the background tho
  11. lel its mmeeeeee I predict a certain eterna to be ther
  12. Obviously complete the national dex, and implement wifi battles/trading n' stuff like that.... (its kinda what i want to happen for reborn )
  13. http://prntscr.com/73ml2d i think i have a problem... (theyre all trained, and include my usual party... yup)
    1. NickCrash


      Don't let Pyrrhon see this

    2. Hexagoen
  14. Im pretty sure you cant destroy the tree field but you can change it to a burning field with f-burst, or you can make a rainbow field with drought+raindance. Basicallly there are many things you cn do with the fields, just check the field guide
  15. well, serra was anticlimatic... can wait for noah... (gonna get rekt)

  16. Hexagoen


    Im not sure where you can find it, but is all else fails, there is the glowy rock thingys that have evelutionary stones with abunch of other things...
  17. why do i not know these anime characters... 8.5/10 well drawn.
  18. Well just beat connal in yureyu, time to get a ralts :D

  19. why would you ever axe our lord and saviour?!?!?!?!? (shut up helix)
  20. welll...... DEFINITELY not looking forward towards the Ditto-arceus fight now......
  21. I wanna play reborn, but im waaaaaay too lazy riight now ...

    1. Tomy


      Try RPG FPS Controller.

  22. zzz.... *Sinikuro has passed out*

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