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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. Ha.... I cant even do anything good. Im fucking trash.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ironbound


      Tsk tsk. Too much gloom and self-belittling around here. That's not the done thing.

      Stiffen your spine, raise your head, stand erect and believe in your capacity. You are an achiever! No limp flopping allowed!

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      sini why this

    4. dead account
  2. Not gonna lie, McJuggernuggets is a really good actor.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hexagoen


      Its a youtuber wh made a series about a psycho family for over a couple of years. It fooled many people (mainly 12 year olds because its the main demographic of people who watch this series. i mean anyone who has common sense could tell this was fake.) So recently this series ended and it revealed thart this was a lie, and tbh he was really good at keeping it a secret. Also he milked the fuck out of this series, im pretty sure he made well over a million

    3. AeroWraith


      Yeah, and besides, even though it was fake, the series was entertaining for me to watch. His acting along with other people in the show were good.

    4. Hexagoen


      ^ tbh unle larry wasnt that good of an actor, he was kinda bland for me. Y'know like the mediator or somehting. didnt really appeal to me since it was a show about a crazy white family.

  3. /me wants to say something. Also /me knows that i will probably get the answer i expect and thats what i want to say is probably not worth saying.

  4. If i could, i would have a thing where if i scruffled my beard it would mega evolve a pokemon. That would be so badass yet so over the top.
  5. fuck this

    1. Guzam


      Fuck the police, fuck the media, fuck the government, fuck politics, fuck the world.

    2. Sutoratosu



    3. dead account

      dead account

      Now I feel bad...

  6. Yo! Welcome back tempest! Nice to see you here again BTW, what are the specs for your personal rig, as I'm an (aspiring) computer nerd myself~
  7. Slow start so i can constantly annoy the people around me from my crazy sleep schedule ...would be hard to find a job though.
  8. I want to seem more mature to others, but i dont want to sound like a parent :C

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      It could be fun being "the parent" though

    2. Ironbound


      Be careful what you pretend to be; you are what you pretend to be.

      -Kurt Vonnegut.

  9. Friendly reminder that the GTX 1080 is being released in two days~ I cannot wait to tame this beast of a graphics card :D

    1. Bearadactyl


      I'm more interested in the R9 480, myself. Can't wait to see what it is really capable of.

  10. Hello there, IvoryUmi! Fellow history nerd here, used to read books all the time, especially maps of the world's empires. Always interested me how they rose to power, then fell, sometimes dramatically like the greeks and whatnot. Nowadays not really that into history like i once was (you can thank my parents for giving me a DS when i was 6 for that) But i still enjoy discussing history. Also speaking of games, i absolutely love the civilization series! Always enjoyed the aspect of having an empire you can create and 'stand the test of time' with lmao. If you have steam and Civ 5, im down for playing some games together! Anyways, I hope you have fun here! Remember that we are always here for you if your feeling down and whatever the issue is~ (also hop on the server! We have dank memes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) See you around! -Sini
  11. So, crazy theory here, but what if Percy Jackson and Annabeth, are the same people as Nathan Drake and Elena?

    1. Swampellow


      The truth that they didn't want you to know.

  12. Don't you guys just hate it when no one listeners to you, and then suddenly they make decisions and do something that conflicts with your ideas and then they say you should be paying attention, and then I'm like I WAS YOU IDIOTS. That's what I feel with everyone I know and meet with every single day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KingRyan


      i read it :3

    3. Zetaark


      Oh no, I'm reading this, and I know the feel

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Trust me... I get the feeling. Considing it's that exact thing I'm basically over here in a depressive spiral of again. It got so bad that I've felt the closest I ever have to when i was battling depression a few years back then I even have before these last two days.

  13. Interesting. Well, what im the most interested in, is FF15 (like everyone else) and Civilization 6. This might be a bias from me, being the civ fanatic in this forum, but honestly, they have literally not showed us anything, except that its coming in october, and the art style is going to be a bit cartooish. Possible appearances might be japan, by seeing the borders in one of the screen shots have its current civ 5 colors, and that i am seeing what appears to be a samurai unit in the bottom. but enough civ speculations from me, this is hardly the topic. I want to know what is with this whole mess of a new comcept? What is the roster of civs that we dont have to just speculate? What new features are being implemented that makes it unique from the other games? Is this rumor that i keep hearing about how the certain city buildings we have had in the past are now tile inprovements? Will we finally see a canadian civ? Either way, i am excited for this latest installment in the franchise. And i cannot wait to see what they reveal! Uhh... Not much to say for FF15, other than it looks well made, we have seen the characters so far in what seems to be an open world setting, with you controlling a car (really interested in that) Are we going to see a skyrim sort of deal, where we travel across this huge terrain and do sidequests? Seems like it. Im just really hyped for this latest installment, since i personally think its going to relive the series again, y'know make it have a special feeling in people. So yeah! I do hope this really does live up to the hype and that we can kill giant monsters AoT style~ In terms of announcements, in really intersted to see what they might pull off. Maybe (and this is a longshot) they might tell us about some sort of VR project. Sounds farfetched, but the whole VR concept is getting really popular in recent years. #e3hype
  14. Crate pusher simulator 4.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KingRyan


      Crash bandicoot?

    3. Hexagoen


      eh. close. the new uncharted 4 game. The amount of crate pushing you do to get to one area to the next seems a little but bland, but thats like my only complaint about the game lmao.

    4. Another Felix
  15. Hello all! I am looking forward to working with you as the weakest least dependable member here! Introductions aside, I think, with how the leaders roles are to secure the types used by us and to make the rosters (and gain that nifty room owner status) I think that I would be a suitable person for this position. Call me selfish, but I think that my personal experience with making important decisions will help us with having the best strategy to win. Obviously I am not letting all of your inputs go to waste. I will make sure all sides of the issues we have I our strategy will be considered and will make the most logical, and if pressure doesn't allow logic, the most rational decision. Then again, this might all just be something you don't care for, and that's okay. Just be sure to consider me for president 2k16 thr leader for the dank meme leader of team HiC (ps: I'm just gonna say this: contradictory to my whole speal up here, I think inno / mde might make for good leaders as well! I think that they can also act in a logical and rational manner for the team js.)
  16. So like, it would be really cool of I could play uncharted 4 lmao. Just want to see the amazing scenery and do impossible climbing.

  17. Now how cool would it be if the assassins creed series was made by naughty dog?

    1. Hexagoen


      like there would be the open world parkour of assassins creed, and the awesome story with michael bay explosions! and ontop of that, less bugs and glitches!

      like that would be game of the year right there.

    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      :/ mehhhhhhhhh

  18. I am a shy indecisive perfectionist. Fml.

  19. I believe that you can obtain the shadow froakie later in the game.Not sure when, or if telling is a spoiler, but keep playing! EDIT: ggwp chubb.
  20. Y'know, whenever i get pissed or negative in general, i find myself usually speaking with a british accent. I guess its the sarcastic vibe i get from it? Idk.

    1. Ironbound


      Always fun to mock the Brits.

    2. Chevaleresse


      I sound Irish for whatever reason.

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