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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. Not far away (i predict a Terra quote XD)
  2. ???/10 who is that character?!?!?!?!?!? and what anime is it from?
  3. huerhuerhuer I shall predict The Ashes to post next (no i will not call you eterna)
  4. Hmm, I actually got around to mowing the front lawn of my house... at least it doesn't look abandoned...

  5. Flem Smoothie (sounds disgusting) (57)
  6. I hate mosquitoes.....

  7. Imagine a togepi/clefairy pulse fr the purpose of metrenome...

    1. AuthorReborn


      Gets a special field effect which allows OHKO moves to have perfect accuracy and Metronome only summons the offensive signature moves of legendary pokemon and OHKO moves.

  8. what would be more intresting: A bloody, gory, warlike, 18+/mature pokemon game thats kinda messed up or a "casual" pokemon game thats safe enough for the preeteen but also covers some dark topics

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      As for whether one or the other is more intersting? Neither is more interesting then the other. GOt to see something in action and it's execution to know if it is good or not.

    3. Hexagoen


      hmm... thanks for the feedback

    4. Bearadactyl


      I'd go with the more mature theme, myself, but that's due to fan games being under-saturated with it.

      We have a few that try, but overall the games don't take themselves seriously enough for it to flow well.

      Reborn is the only fan game I have played to this date that pulls off the dark vibe and actually does it well.

  9. why (in your profile pic) does the Illuminati appear to be a lady
  10. TFW you are at an award's ceremony and you forget to turn the certificate towards the crowd...

  11. in his booty! >:] Nawwwwww swentence For the last,
  12. Rejuvination Edit: i suck at spelling
  13. Granted, but you win only 1 coin each round. I wish the golbat in my profile pic had a longer tongue (no its not a sex joke)
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