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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. I havent looked yet... but can somebody tell me weather this week's episode of naruto is a filler? (please for the love of Christ say no)

  2. (its tort3rr4 by the way) Anywhoo, mamoswine use blizzard!
  3. I like snow... yet i hate winter, I like summer yet i hate the rain...

  4. Primal Groudon used that move that he learns in ORAS that i forgot the name of(all i remember is that it's a ground move) EDIT: its called precipice blades or something like that
  5. Aya (in gen 5): -dragalge snapped out of swagger confusion. Use sludge wave and sweep the opposing team like the cruel monster you are
  6. Slurpies. ... ... i have a weird brain...
  7. Hexagoen


    In peridot ward by the train station. EDIT: on rainy days. You need pokesnax or you can just look around the forums...
  8. Im procrastinating on going to sleep = not working

    1. XavierFTW


      i feel ya man i feel ya

    2. XavierFTW


      im thinking of procrastinating to

  9. Has the numel event been moved to be after julia? cause I cant find it near the peridot station anywhere

    1. KingRyan


      is it rainy? pretty sure it has to be rainy or stormy.

    2. Hexagoen


      yeah its raining right now

    3. Sheep


      Definitelt after Julia, maybe even after Florinia.

  10. Quick question: is the gen 1 glitch world considered Terra's gym?

    1. Simon
    2. Reno


      Yeahp but you can still get out and heal your Pokemon easily right before Terra.

    3. AuthorReborn


      Technically, the Circus is Terra's gym. Actually, the Glitch City is.

  11. i would do a turtwig since i have a shiny Female, but that save is a one i just started soo it might be a few weeks before i can access breeding in that save since im just at julia's gym
  12. go back to the gym and see what happenes or check the guide: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6802
  13. Basically a rant about what's happening in my life. To Do list: 1. Study for SAT 2. Study for finals 3. Study for other obligatory tests 4. Complete 5 projects 5. Meet quota on doing chores around the house 6. Actually clean my room... 7. Remember to actually shower before exiting house Bucket list: 1. sleep. yup. Thank's for letting me waste 2 minutes of your life by reading this completely unnecessary list on what I've been doing Tl;Dr
  14. Dragalge. Why you may ask? ... ...

    1. Simon


      Did you enable it by going to your Profile->Edit Your Profile->Signature ?

  16. 1. you need a protector. not sure if its available or where. 2. because.... reasons
  17. you could always get a male gardevoir... (thought that would be kinda stupid) lol
  18. Yooo can i have the Eevee, i'll PM you my save... edit: i'll have the shiny one please; also completly off topic do you have a beldum? Any is perfectly fine thanks.
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