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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. i hate that moody bidoof...

  2. turtwig or froakie?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tomy
    3. KingRyan


      froakie. Greninja op as f***

    4. Hexagoen


      decided on turtwig b/c havent used him yet and because i got a shiny...


  3. Send halp please. I'm stuck on Aya (Stupid Dragalge sweeping me with Sludge wave) Team: Charizard / Lv.42 None Blaze Naughty nature -slash -Dragon rage -blame flame burst -wing attack Ampharos / Lv.42 none static impish nature -Charge -power gem -c. ray -Discharge Meowstic (f) / Lv 42 none Keen eye naughty nature -shadow ball -charge beam -extrasensory -psychic Roselia / Lv 39 Rose incense natural cure lonely nature - toxic spikes -giga drain -petal blizzard - nature power Scrafty / Lv 44(waaay too lazy to breed Drain punch) black belt intimidate Hasty nature -crunch -brick break -HJK -Thunder punch Azumarill / lv44 none Huge power (obviously) serious nature - rain dance -bubble beam (should have evolved sooner) - bounce -double edge The booooox -------- EDIT: nvm i beat the gym and serra's time to get rekt from the abra and noel...
  4. shade= easy (huge power azumarill)

    1. Shing


      and that's why azurill got axed(nah jk)

  5. bravely second. Loved the first game it got a little repetitive after a while and is what i was doing nonstop about a year ago...
  6. well fml. i accidentaly hit new game on my game of reborn and because my brain is espessialy dumb i hit ave on that new game -_- Granted i had a backup of my file that was a backup before 15+ hours of grinding for shade ( i was severely under-leveled) ughhhhhhhh

    1. Hexagoen


      i think i lost about three+ shinies an overpowered beartric andabout 20+levels in total throught my team -_-

  7. my favorite move : metronome...... i have a problem
  8. Hii im new obviously soo im posting this because Anyways im asian. i sleep and uhhh...... thats about it soo.... yeah.... (this got awkward) Ps: who should i train in pokemon reborn - A male meowstic, shiny with prankster or a female meowstic kthxbai~
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