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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. You know, you dont really appreciate what you have, until it is taken away from you.

    1. Zargerth


      Like toilet paper

  2. Your Forum Name - Sinikuro013 (as of 5/08/16) Your Server Name - +Cormae The Year You Joined Reborn - 2015 Your Favorite Type (Yes you can have more than one) - Dark, Steel, (and fairy when im feeling creative in my teambuilding) Your Least Favorite Type - Bugs, both in the pokemon universe and in real life. Did you participate in the first installment of PokeNations? - Sadly no. Your Social Security Number - 666 General Availability - School time: 4pm-9pm weekdays (i usually sleep in after school (3pm) so its like 7-9, but if im here by 4, im here by 4 (unless i state im sleeping)) ; 10am-9pm weekends (Assuming i pop in in that time period, if not, it probably means i have something coming up.) Summer: Probably all day, every day, considering somethings might pop up then, ill stick to a 2pm-6pm challenging period. Dont worry ill be sure to post if i got somthing coming up that might hinder my ability to challenge at that time period. I know my schedule sucks (its barely one) but between school and irl, things get kinda hectic, especially since i have a more rigorus course im taking next year in school :x. So just feel free to challenge me when im around. Right now, im usually spending my time gaming in my free time so this shouldnt be a problem for now. but expect me to pop up online around the times stated above. (god im probably gonna be the least most reliable teammate on my nation :/)
  3. I have decided to quit the forums for a while. I feel as if my opinions are getting in the way of having a meaningful discussion here and i just want time to cool off. Im still gonna be on the server, so just find me there. See you later guys.

    1. Hexagoen


      To clarify: this has nothing to do with you guys. Y'all here are amazing, its just a personal preference for me. So no hard feelings okay?

    2. Shamitako



    3. Ironbound


      Take care, and relax in whichever way is best for you. It's good to cool off at times, Sini!

  4. not gonna lie, i am fucking exited for Final Fantasy 15

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm sure quite a few people are at this point, between the "hoing ENix can't mess up a 7th time." the anime for it ((yea... that's apprently a thing lol.)) hyping up the cahraters for people etc...

    2. Alextron


      I have played the demo and it impressed me quite a lot.

  5. Assassins creed iii or Assassins creed rogue? what do i get? (only have enough for either one. I currently have ACIV)

    1. RasenShot


      ACIII is way longer iirc.

    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      ACIII imo is better

    3. Maelstrom


      Get the Witcher or Fo4 instead. Or Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3.

  6. So i want a PC setup that can actually play some games. (and one i can potentially stream and make videos on) Some questions: I have seen around the internet about how you can make a PC setup with little budgets like 50 dollars, etc. Is it possible to do so? Can i actually make a PC with a budget smaller than what i pay for a nice hoodie? Can said PC run some conventional games like AC Unity, or Fallout, with a nice FPS (40-60) in 720-1080p? And if so, what would you suggest i do with the budget? focus on a good processor and graphics card, and mediocre everything else, or get used parts? (now realistically speaking obviously my budget is not just 50 dollars, however i would like to spend less than 500 dollars on a decent setup) --- Now onto the grind work. with a <500 budget in mind, and a decent gaming setup as a goal, lets get to the specifics. Monitor: I have a 22" LED already (dad got it as a birthday present but never uses it) but i would prefer a new monitor on me as i can see that the monitor has a grainy texture on it. (its a couple years old) Mouse: Have one already. A nice 90$ or so Logitech one, also have backups. Keyboard: USED to have one, i have it physically, but its a wireless setup, and i lost the USB for it. :/ I dont need a pro setup keyboard with like a million extra buttons and rainbow lights, but i would like a keyboard that lights up (any color) and has 1-3 extra keys. (probably around 40-70$ range.) RAM: I like the 8GB setup i have on my laptop, it runs things decently (maybe a 8-16 GB range) Processor: Something that, like i said above, can run conventional games with ease. I heard Dell was a good brand. Idk about processor specifics so whatever comes to mind i guess. Motherboard: Wtf is this even for? I know its important, but i dont know how much people spend on it. feel free to educate me. Graphics: I seem to like AMD as a brand. No severe crashes with y AMD processor/video card on my laptop yet, but i always see people praising Nvidia and using it so im on the fence on what to use. Cooling: anything that can cool my PC enough not to set it on fire. Cables: anything that i can plug into the wall and use to give power to my setup (idc about wires and shit, but aslong as it wont explode on me, its good) Case: anything that can hold this setup together and not fall apart. I'll even make my own using wood and nails if i have to. --- So yeah. What do you think i should do? IS it possible to make a decent low-budget PC build? Thanks for looking at this! -Sini
  7. Et tu, Brutus

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ironbound


      Yeah, I doubt Caesar would have been able to do anything more than squeal like a banshee when he was stabbed 23 times. Writers are usually skewed their creative liberties.

    3. Flux


      Achoo, Brutus*

    4. YinYang9705


      Then fall Caesar!

  8. Look, i would love to play in the wii u, but seeing as i am probably not gonna get one sometime soon, since my parents arent gonna get it, and im saving for a PC set, probably not gonna play the wii u. Im most likely just gonna skip with wii u, and buy whatever the next gen consol for nintendo is gonna be. I do have a 3ds, i just havent used it in a while, so im probably rusty AF
  9. HOLD UP! IS ther esomething i dont know yet, or isnt there already a fangame here with the name redemption? Like did you two guys reach an agreement where you guys used the name redemption or what happened? I swear there was a fangame here with the name.
  10. Yo. Anyone here have 750 rupees they want to donate? I want to do something here. Its okay of you cant, just asking. (thanks btw if you can~)

  11. Y'all gotta stop burning fields. I mean they are just little harmless things that wont hurt you at all!

  12. Im guessing that this is probably the field for adrienn or that e4 member i forgot the name of. Laura. ty chubb. (guessing on the remaining leaders left in the league we havent battled) if so, this poses an interesting change of strategy for the player, as they either have to change the field, or utilize its bonuses to their advantage. Imo keep the changes. its a nice change of pace, and it makes for some potential interesting stategies! im looking forward to playing with this field (assuming we see it in e16) keep up the great work ame (and the rest of the reborn dev-kuns)
  13. ... The default keyboard on my smartphone has its keos so tyiny that its inplssible not to make a mistake on it. Like it doesn't even have autocorrect support on showdown so like I litterlyb cannot type without breaking a rule onv here. But hey, it's the cost of not having to suffer all the lagbthat is on my custom keyboard.

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      you have a iphone 5s? or you just have big thumbs.

  14. With each passing day, Canada seems like a more appealing place than the US. i mean, you got universal healthcare, moose, maple syrup, no bugs, no trashy candidates for the presidency. it seems like a really good place!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pbood2


      Canada is great. I agree. I can vouch for Canada because I live in Ontario Canada myself. The Health care is good and it's pretty safe here I would say.

    3. Drymus


      Canada rules! Except there's a recession right now in the west because oil. But once that's done with, it'll all be good again. Hopefully...

    4. pbood2


      I'm happy about the recession only because gas prices dropped drastically and it was nice.

  15. #niceshirt

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin



  16. I might be biased, but i absolutely hate it when a portrait of a person is either cropped distorted, or drawn that way. It just looks absolutely awful and it gives the feeling of something that isnt 'normal' (meaning it looks something kinda like what you will see irl) idk. is it just me or what?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      If I had any idea what you meant by that... maybe?

    2. IdleThoughts


      I know what cropped means, and what distorted means, but never together.

  17. Youtube needs to chill tbh.

  18. Hello Aquawaffle, or as you are known by your current alias, Captain Breakfast. We had a sorta rocky history in the beginning, as i was, and am to all people around me (be it by mistake or by pure habit) a negative person. But through that, we found common ground, and found interest in similar things. I wouldnt consider you a friend (not in a bad way, i just dont know you that much yet, in the sense of having a personal connection with you.) but you have grown into a intriguing member of this community by your interactions with it. And it is these interactions by not just you, but from all of us, that make this community a unique place that i, and all of us can proudly call a place where we can have fun, laugh, come up with strategies, and share emotional moments, together. And for that, i thank you, Aquawaffle, for being here and bringing your unique input on this community. With hope, Sinikuro Post script: Seriously though, you really are an interesting person to observe. Keep being you, pal.
  19. Contrary to how some people here believe a wiki would only hinder newcomers from engaging with the community, i beg to differ. I mean sure these people are less likely to be on the forums, but this means these new people might help out with the wiki, and such a wiki provides comfort knowing that there is a reliable way of knowing information and an easy to navigate information system that has many tools, rather than having to search through a forum cluttered and information you really have to look for. that being said, i would love to help with a wiki! im just not good with much tho :/ But i do know a fair amount of the game itself and would be happy to help ^-^
  20. Because i found no such thread for art. :/ [22:48:03] +EternalEdge: Got a new job Dan? http://prntscr.com/arl4tl RBRN Alice joined; Communist DW and +HeroicRaider left [22:49:52] NA Erick: Hey, Andy [22:50:11] +Asriеl Dreеmurr: ...so dan's job is to wait for some water huh. [22:50:12] +EternalEdge: this fucking guy [22:50:27] +Asriеl Dreеmurr: eh. depends on how patient dan is. [22:50:44] Inno: Dan gained a bit of weight. Nova 1000 left [22:51:13] +Asriеl Dreеmurr: dan slowly turned into a water ballon [22:51:20] Inno: Wow, rude. So i drew dan. http://prntscr.com/arl7je
  21. Nah bruh. you look like a brunette ron weasley~
  22. The fuck is up with all these big shot youtubers getting hate. Some i can sympathize and understand like the fine bros and their bullshit copyright shit and leafyishere and his fuck up, but then we get people like bashur and toby being accused by god knows what and these people eventually just give up (not really with toby hes still going strong) but still, you just gotta pity these youtubers, and how they get fucking accused just because people just cant accept the fact that they are famous....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hexagoen


      So can i not enjoy the content of these youtubers, can i not subscribe to a youtuber that doesnt have soem sort of bullshit accusation of whatever? like can all the fucking anon hackers stop being 12 year olds and 'exposing' these people? Not even hackers, like we got fucking people these youtubers know spreading hate and accusations about them. like chill.

    3. Pandalex12


      Side-effect of being famous I guess. We shouldn't just focus on one side of things, I'm sure there are people still supporting them but I don't go to those channels.

    4. Pandalex12


      Okay, I checked it out and the situation is kinda ridiculous... I don't know what to say. The treatment6 is unjustified as far as I know... Damn

  23. I think i played a little of three while i was at my sister's fiance place. All i know about the series is that its just a bunch of dudes so muscular and heavily armored it makes them look fat, shooting aliens. I dont really have high hopes for this game, though you can take this with a grain of salt, considering i despise first person shooters.
  24. So by some magical sequences of events, im not gonna be here Wednesday to saturday. while i willl be away on a trip around the country :o

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