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About friebz

  • Birthday 01/04/1999

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    This game and this forum... that's really it lol

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  1. friebz

    LF Natu / Xatu

    I don't have that kind of Ditto, but I'd really like to trade with you. Just PM'd you
  2. friebz

    LF Natu / Xatu

    Did both those things, still doesn't work. Tried in a bunch of places
  3. friebz

    LF Natu / Xatu

    Episode 16 unfortunately doesn't work when I try to load it up
  4. friebz

    LF Natu / Xatu

    Looking for a Natu or Xatu. Can't seem to find any since their old location is sealed off ever since the city renovation, was wondering if they're in a new location
  5. Still need a Natu, any help with trading would be great
  6. Sounds good, PM me when you're ready. My Online name is my site username
  7. I have both of them. I don't need a Kabuto anymore, so a Litten, Bounsweet, or Misdreavus would be great.
  8. In need of a Misdreavus, Litten, Natu, Bounsweet, Azurill (or Sea Incense) and Kabuto. Stats don't matter, just need the Mons themselves. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  9. Is your team not supposed to be healed in between the second and third battles?
  10. My old save file that I had originally started Rejuvenation with no longer works, and I was wondering why I can no longer play this particular save file. Any help would be really appreciated. Game.rxdata
  11. Thanks so much, but I'm not entirely sure how trading works for Reborn. Never done it before
  12. I just started the Arclight sidequest and I have already given back the Loudred. However, I previously evolved the Makuhita, Jigglypuff, and Roggenrola into Hariyama, Wigglytuff, and Boldore respectively, meaning that they won't accept them back. I also can't find the owner of the Vanillite who is supposed to be in Lapis. If anyone could help me with this I'd be really appreciative.
  13. Hello to anyone who sees this, I've been wanting to do a ghost-type run and I was wondering if someone could get me a Honedge with perfect IVs and a neutral nature (serious for exampe). IVs and nature aren't a huge deal as long as I have a Honedge, but those details would be very much appreciated. Game.rxdata
  14. I had the same problem awhile ago, until I changed the the battery-saving method on my computer from Power-Saving to Balanced/Normal. Try that and it might stop the lag.
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