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About blueslimebeast

  • Birthday 09/03/1991

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  1. I'm abra-solutely sure you can get both of these pokemon as of Episode 4.4, you won't be able to get swinub until you beat the fifth gym though, you need surf to access Akuwa Cave.
  2. Hmm the only one's I've seen on there are Abra and Swinub. Abra is in Amethyst Cave while Swinub is in Akuwa Cave.
  3. This Fennekin hunt is driving me nuts! Haha I really hate to ask, but does anyone know where Fennekin goes to after Goldenleaf Town?
  4. Vivillon is awesome! It was one the three pokemon that ultimately helped defeat Narcissa!
  5. Hello! First of all, I'd like to say this an awesome game! Between this and Pokémon Reborn, it keeps me from being bored when I have some free time. I just have a few questions. 1. I just beat Narcissa after a few attempts yesterday, and I would like to apply update 4.0 to continue. How would go on in updating the game? 2. Narcissa mentions a TM she dropped in Amethyst Cave, but I've gone there and cannot find it, does anyone know where it is? 3. I've seen mention of a Phantump or Phantump event, where is that located? Thank you! I look forward to being part of the community!
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