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Fabled Asian

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Everything posted by Fabled Asian

  1. There is a cave in North Adventurine Woods, but you're going to need Pinsirs and Heracrosses to reach it. I think it is reachable by taking the nearest entrance by the Nature Building with the Miltanks. I would take a screenshot of it, but I can't go to it since I'm in Agate Circus. Goodluck on it and hopefully Sheep or someone else can help out better.
  2. Yeah, sorry if this was a very limited question, but I appreciate the help! Indeed, especially since Gardevior is underleveled with base 65 def, can only be lucky when she Trace Sturdy.
  3. ...actually i just finished the puzzle so they don't seem to be spawining anymore. oops... EDIT: Nevermind I only did the bottom portion, thanks! But I'm open for any ther suggestions if any.
  4. I made the wierd decision of switching out my pokemon in Agate Circus so now I have a level 50 Gardevior and an empty slot for a Cradily (IF I HAD ONE). So I was wondering if there was a good place to grind up for Samson, or should I just wait it out?
  5. It was THAT flower? I was wondering what was beyond that thing... Thanks! I can finally stop the bouffalant genocide Q_Q
  6. Hey guys? I've been looking through every corner of the South Adventurine Woods, but I can't find the Oddish Root. Could any of you like tell me what entrance I should take if I want to find it? I've found Tech Glasses, Hail, Custap Berries, Lum Berries, a cave, and that's about it.
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