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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Reno

  1. Awwh so excited for this Can't wait to get started, many thanks! xD
  2. Woah Larvesta? That's a bit of a strong Pokemon to give out.
  3. I have 2 alarms. The first 2 wake me up and the second for the "15 more minutes". I have a terrible sleeping pattern though. My sleep schedule is generally messed up on the weekends.
  4. Reno


    Generally bulky and some attack mixed in but depends on what you need Swampert to be.
  5. Mightyena should get an evolution. He's badass as is but just lacks the stats to walk the walk.
  6. You mean get it as an image? There is probably a Save As > jpeg or png OR Export > jpeg or png
  7. He generally isn't allowed to use strong Pokemon most of the time. Even back in the first season, his strongest Pokemon were a Charizard who didn't respect him for a good 3/4 of the season, a lazy Snorlax, and a Muk. It wouldn't be cool if his Pokemon were all super powerful.
  8. Welcome~! That profile pic's Maple Story right? Ahhh the memories... You might want to make your siggy smaller but once again WELCOME!
  9. Reno


    Isn't there Nest Ball? You can get it in the Pokeball Shop. Also Dusk Balls. But yeah, it's catch rate is 3, the lowest in the game and WILL take awhile. But don't fret, catching it is the most satisfying thing in Reborn.
  10. Reno


    Ice Creams work really well. And they don't ever melt.
  11. Diggersby is not as bad a Pokemon as people think it is. It has HUGE fkin POWER! Use Prankster to your advantage, maybe put a Leech Seed, TWave, Curse. Then stall. On the other hand you could try to outwrestle it which is what I did. I Paralyzed it then had Noivern Super Fang twice and work on paraflinching it. Then Swampert came in and tanked 2 hits and managed to KO Arceus even after Recover.
  12. Don't believe this. There's nobody called Tania in the game.
  13. Aurorus is a really cool Pokemon but I can never get myself to use it because of it's typing. It just has bad matchups wherever it goes and it's not like it has extraordinary bulk or anything. If you don't want Hail then you just have to not go for Blizzard. Freeze Dry for good better coverage and Ice Beam or Frost Breath for a stronger STAB. You could also consider Encore and Hyper Beam. Discharge isn't really that good as you said, Freeze Dry outclasses it and Discharge also hits your ally in Doubles. Hyper Voice would be amazing but it's not available in-game.
  14. Zeno! You have a cool name! Can't believe anyone's favourite Pokemon is Sableye but meh, to each their own. Anyways, WELCOME~
  15. Rock Slide is all you need. Live and die by Rock Slide.
  16. Yep Gen VI since the 14.5 update. Also your siggy is HUGE. You might want to make it smaller.
  17. Reno


    You need Rock Smash to get Flash. Headbutt the metal pole to get Aron.
  18. Arbok should be able to deal with Clefable easily. Teach it Acid Spray and you're golden. I don't remember what I did against the Cincinno but it should be easy to OHKO.
  19. The devil Pokemon will always be Vivillion. I get this feeling that this will be in the Coral Ward Gym once it reopens. Holiness onto thou and whatnot.
  20. Oww that's really depressing... I hope she's okay. Keep her company and take care of her. God bless.
  21. Probably Pokemon Z is coming out. I don't think a remake of Emerald's going to be made because Crystal didn't get a remake. Hopefully they'll bring back character customization and change the story up. Might also be a Mystery Dungeon seeing as how there's one for every Generation since it was first made.
  22. I second this, Child Of Light is beautiful and amazing. There are PC and PS Vita ports. Most of the turn-based RPGs I know are JRPGs. You could download an emulator and search for PS1/PS2/PSP/DS RPGs.
  23. If you have Photoshop, it lets you do something similar to Usenti. You can select the hair and change the Hue, just sliding the bar to whatever colour you want. Also,
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