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Everything posted by Reno

  1. Yeahp totally agree with this. I don't hate any but I find Amoonguss really unlikeable. Really hard to take down, status effects and Rage Powder makes battling it a dread and a huge annoyance. Also it looks annoying. At least to me. And it acts like a Pokeball on the ground. As a person who loves looting, I can't bring myself to like it.
  2. I personally favour bulky Pokemon. Ground types have always supported me through my gameplays and I like a whole lot of them. Ground Gym Steelix - Pure badassery. Donphan - Apparently I'm a Phanpy in most Pokemon Dungeons. I also had a Phanpy plushy some time ago. Swampert - Best starter ever. Hoenn is the region where I have the most memorable Pokemon times. Camerupt - Always loved the design. Used to think it was a cow. Flygon - Ground Dragon of choice. I prefer it over the overrated Garchomp. Always thought it had red sunglasses. Excadrill - Another badass Pokemon that's basically screaming raw power. 7th Pokemon? Landorus-T. LOVE the design and Lando is one of the most dependable Pokemon ever. One of the few Legendary Pokemon which I really like.
  3. Maractus. Half of everyone reading this would not have remembered it exists. Storm Drain, Spiky Shield and other cool stuff
  4. A war game where you wage war on heaven to prevent the end of the world. Shit got serious. Also the plot to every single Final Fantasy game. An indie game where you fight game designers by changing the rules of the game. Sounds like an amazing concept xD A tycoon game where you trade family members to score karma. LMAO definitely reddit. A shooting game where you date kittens after landing on a mysterious planet. Aww sheet bring on the furries~
  5. Reno

    Who is next?

    High possibility of Amaria or Ciel in my opinion. Hardy would probably come after that but only after saving the city and Aya from Team Meteor. Titania might be around the same time as Saphira which would be one of the last few. Steel and Dragon-types being notoriously powerful. Amaria's water battle is going to be difficult I just know it. She's going to use DIVE, I can already tell.
  6. Everyone here's trolling you. Fern's the best!
  7. Woah woah woah woah. Metagross is weak? I'm sorry but a pseudo-legendary Pokemon being weak is completely UNTRUE. I'm pretty sure you're going off on the basis of competitive Pokemon but even then, just one generation ago, Metagross was in OU. And the only reason Metagross is not in OU now is because of the MegaEvo completely outshining itself. On a side note, the feeling of catching a Beldum is extremely satisfying. Just for that, I say take the challenge and go for it.
  8. Just train on the trainers who respawn daily in the Grand Hall. It's not like you have anything better to do while waiting for the next Episode.
  9. Reno

    Endless Opal

    There are different trainers to fight everyday. Sunday has 3 battles, if I remember correctly. Just go in and out if they won't fight you.
  10. This thread went downhill pretty fast
  11. Old Spice ads are amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuiKdWz6IKo Also this one vacuum cleaner ad which I don't remember where I watched it from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Unco7qlaAJ4
  12. It's not always once a day though. Sometimes it takes 2 days for him to work again.
  13. Pokemon's about the journey. Meeting new people and finding new stuff. Just explore and talk to everyone. That's how Pokemon should be. If you just rush through everything to get through the story, you'll be missing out.
  14. I don't really think this would aggravate people haha You end up with lots of Ability Capsules and I think I've ever only used 1 capsule throughout my game.
  15. Reno


    This is probably the case. As far as I know, Zorua's events sort of collide with Zangoose's. You might only be able to find Zangoose the next day.
  16. Reno


    http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12905 It's under Mews and Announcements. About the Speed thing, there's a mechanic called Effor Value (EV). Basically, if you fight more defensive Pokemon, you get Def points and fighting speedier Pokemon nets you Speed points. Charlotte is the first Gym battle to have fully EV-trained Pokemon.
  17. Yup yup. The Internet is a wide place and emulators give you waaayyy more options too.
  18. Welcome to the forums~ Also, some starters like Mudkip, Chespin and Cyndaquil can be acquired later on in the game. I'm guessing Ame's thinking of letting us get all starters through events in later Episodes.
  19. F12 to soft rest. It works for all RPGMaker games. Also D is set to quicksave. It'll probably save you some time too.
  20. Haha, I totally agree with this. But she does look AMAZING, props to apieceoftofu for that great artwork. Never knew Charlotte could be so kawaii if she tried. This must be her dere side.
  21. Nope those are only for use in the forums There are quite a few in-game character sprites to choose from though. 2 male, 2 female and 2 neither.
  22. Terra was honestly pretty easy for me. With Swampert and a super speedy Noivern, they swept Terrawr with relative ease. Also, I was running a Mienshao at the time which dealt crazy damages with Hi Jump Kick.
  23. You can leave from where you entered. Just continue surfing downstream and to the edge of the map. There's a river that leads to the outside of Titania's house.
  24. Yeap Ame really knows how to play with our feels. Seeing Corey as Gengar was pretty, I dunno, dark? For me at least. I was basically going: Corey? Holy shit... Kiki's death was a real shocker Look forward to more shocks and great meaningful moments. Props to Ame for making such amazing scenarios!
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