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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Reno

  1. Not sure about a sweeper Latias, generally they carry Draco Meteor though. I don't think a Charizard X without investments in HP or Def is even gonna survive a non-STAB Rock Slide. If you're gonna take Roost you need a bulkier Charizard with 100+ HP EVs. Azumarill with Belly Drum/Aqua Jet is always fun but look out for physical walls and burn. You're Raikou is carrying Life Orb as well so I'm assuming no Item Clause? Personally I don't go for Scarfed Raikou as the only few ways to outspeed it is if the opponent is Scarfed. Take out ExtremeSpeed please. Cresselia with Ice Beam is probably gonna wall your team pretty well.
  2. Do you want a harder game? Cause Greninja with Proteans arguably one of the best starters of all time. Go for Totodile or Osha cause they're pretty cool.
  3. ZEL actually has a really neat story. You read xyrs diary in the snowy mountain place. Xe and El had really similar names so at first I though that xe had somehow cut off one of xyrs persona. Taka's just for comedic relief. He uses a Chatot with Nasty Plot for god's sake.
  4. Noibat's a real pain to train in the early game. Just replace it with another Flying type for now and catch another Noibat later. Like everyone else says, Flame Burst just turns this battle into easy-mode. Just pray you don't get haxed and you'll be fine.
  5. There's one in the library. You can see the Growlithe from the other room and you can walk on the bookcases on the right side. I didn't ever think of stepping on books so I missed that one guy out haha
  6. Reno

    Headbutt Move Tutor?

    I was pretty sure in E14 the move tutor in 7th Street teaches Headbutt. Doesn't really matter though cause there's lots of other Pokemon that learn it from levelling up. Unless you're making a paraflinch set. In which case... NO!
  7. Underwater Field, if it's in a gym match is gonna be the most annoying thing ever. Quartered Speed, non-water physical damage HALVED, damage each turn, Whirlpool doing 1/6 health AND confusing. Geez, if we have to go through that in a Gym there will be tears shed. Wait, there's an optional battle with El's Snorlax? Fairy's too good a counter against Dragon. They probably won't get a boost in the field unless you make it Rainbow Field or something.
  8. Meowstic with it's Prankster screens really did an amazing job for my team. Becoming a martyr of sorts and allowing the rest of my team to come through with no issues. Camerupt was INCREDIBLY powerful. He basically one shotted everything with Flame Burst and Earth Power. But eventually he got too slow and got one shotted instead if screens weren't up. I think I just needed to fix his EVs a bit but meh I changed up my team.
  9. Reno

    breed pokemon

    Any Pokemon can breed with Ditto even genderless ones.
  10. Reno

    TM Earthquake

    No EQ but we did get some pretty good TMs
  11. Reno

    HM Replace

    Why would you want to break a sweat when you can get your Pokemon to do all the dirty work for you?
  12. I actually feel like playing through Reborn again. Sounds pretty fun starting over and changing your strat/team. I'm pretty sure all the starters are gonna be obtainable sooner or later but... I heard u liek mudkipz
  13. Just noticed that the DMCA thing's URL is missing an "s" in forums

    1. Cyaloom


      The actual forums would disappear! That is not a joke...

  14. Reno

    [Resolved] Porygon

    Data Chip allows you to fight Porygon from Florinia's computer. You still need Up-Grade and Dubious Disc for Porygon's Evolution. Up-Grade's from somewhere from the Steelix place I think.
  15. Change up your team or grind a bit more if you're having problems. It's generally a good idea to have some Pokemon in rotation unless you're 100% sure your team can take on anything. Also, Stealth Rocks aren't a great thing to have on in-game battles. The only time when it's probably good are when it's super effective but generally in-game opponents don't switch out as often.
  16. Reno

    Time for HM02?

    Hmm I really hope we do get Fly but Ame, being Ame, probably won't give it to us just for convenients sake. It's probably going to be a HM for the final few Gyms but seeing as we're almost there, we might be getting it soon. But then again, we only have like, what, 4 HMs and Rock Climb is definitely close by.
  17. Did you get this idea from the quiz? I dunno what I'd be, maybe a Chatot
  18. I think there are 3 Focus Sash in total. Can't really remember where though. Focus Band is higher up in the Department Store. It's not 100% reliable though.
  19. Very Ferny Ame... very very Ferny haha

  20. Haha it was a real shocker honestly. But I sort of realized it after some 10 seconds and just clicked on everything on that DMCA thingy. The logo leads you back to the forum
  21. OMG Ame!! At first I was like, wtf? WTF!? And then I was like OOOHHHHH Hahaha Well played m'am, well played
  22. For some reason I really like High Energy. There's just this sort of ENERGETIC vibe that I get from it or maybe I just spend way too much time at the casino.
  23. Reno


    Yeah EXP Share is available from the lotto and also Lucky Egg if I'm not mistaken. But yeah, 7th Street - EXP Share. You need shards :12 Blue, 11 Purple, 12 Red and 16/8 Green if you freed the Ditto. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=7314
  24. Woah this would help immensely. Good job! Hardest puzzle ever would be the Timburr puzzle in the Circus but I understand that it's randomized everytime so a video wouldn't really help.
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