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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Reno

  1. A Darumaka with Inner Focus will always become one with Zen Mode whereas Hustle becomes Sheer Force so be sure to get the correct Ability you want for it. You could always use Ability Capsules to change it though.
  2. YEAH APRIL FOOLS MATE! Sick of seeing you losers who don't even know about timezones! Guess I'm not as stupid as the rest of you non-Ferners!
  3. Team Meteor is literally everywhere. Wherever there's trouble, you can expect Team Meteor. Doesn't really matter whether you saw this guy or not cause pretty much everyone expects Team Meteor to be behind any bad stuff.
  4. You can get a maximum of 510 EV points. 252 + 252 + 4 or however you wish to distribute them. 4 EVs for 1 stat point. You'll probably want to breed. Bisharp isn't going to learn Sucker Punch without breeding.
  5. Swampert's definitely carrying his weight. He never gets one-shotted unless it's a Grass move and does revenge kills LIKE A BOSS. He seems to be the guy that does everything and carries the team on his back most of the time. Metagross and Noivern are pretty awesome too. Sweeping the enemy team with relative ease. Also, Noivern + Swampert make a pretty badass combo.
  6. Reno

    amazing luck?

    One of the first shiny Pokemon I saw was a Bluefire Ponyta in FireRed. Managed to find it in Reborn after so long haha. Also I have about 4 shiny Geodudes and a few others including my shiny brown HM Slave Quagsire.
  7. Well, I have a test tommorow. I think. Maybe. I don't even know anymore, I'm starting to think that that's an April Fools joke.
  8. A black dude with maroon clothes is on the left on the same platform. Just head up from where my character is with a Tauros. The cave is somewhere on the left side past tall grass.
  9. Did you know? Shade's Gengar was called Corey. I was literally like O-O Anyway, Corey had his super fast Crobat and Shade had his super fast, painful Corey. They were really hard for me to deal with. Noel's Swellow was a pain though but died real fast and I had a fit when his uber wall Clefable came out. What's even harder though, was Charlotte and her Speed invested team. My Metagross had lots of Speed EVs in it and could barely outspeed half the team and my Noivern with its messed up EVs couldnt outspeed so many of them. Real terror especially when Thyplosion and Larvesta both had Grass moves and I think someone, Charizard?, had Solarbeam. Seriously, my only Water type was Swampert with his 4x weakness. Didn't really have trouble with anyone else, Radomus, Aya and Samson were really easy for my team.
  10. From the research center/healing spot place on the west side just go east abit. There will be 2 Tauros/Bouffalants next to each other. Take a Tauros and go to the forest directly above it. Move towards the west with your Tauros and go through some tall grass. The Celestine Cave is there.
  11. Dragalge is also available. Noiverns a pretty good substitute for Dragonite but its not as tanky
  12. If he was their father why did he leave them? I feel like I'm missing some super important plotline here so please fill me in.
  13. Yeap, Rage Powder makes them attack again. They give good EXP but friggin ROCK WRECKER hurts.
  14. Reno


    I don't really recall having a problem with this. I think I used Light Screen and some tanky Pokemon.
  15. Another box! Nah for reals it's a Pokemon. A pretty good one too.
  16. Reno

    Lucario moveset

    Yeah I highly agree with this. Go for Bullet Punch/Extremespeed or Swords Dance or maybe even Crunch
  17. Honestly, I didn't really feel like he came up with a Theory at all. Seeing as how the Pokemon games are Single-Player, most of us pretty much already know this. Of course, I'd really love it if you could just see other players roaming around in the same region as you.
  18. I really loved the Talonflame evolution line. Having a Fire/Flying in the early stages of the game instead of the usual Normal/Flying really spices things up. Plus, Talonflame from FLETCHLING. Small little insignificant Fletchling becomes super awesome.
  19. Rhyperior was the worst evolution ever. Rhydon used to be my favourite Pokemon in Gen 1. It was so badass and cool. Then Rhyperior came along and I was like ... Mightyena needs a 3rd evolution though. It's stats are horrendous.
  20. Haha this made me laugh. Poor Absol
  21. Meowstic was definitely the MVP for my match against Kiki. The Meditite you can get there also helps a lot.
  22. Reno


    Be careful not too grind too much though. Reaching past level20 (I think) before getting your 1st badge makes your Pokemon ignore your orders. You can check your Player ID Card and it shows the level cap.
  23. It's OddishWEED. WEED. It's good stuff. Nah don't do Oddishweed.
  24. I don't think you can get it. Sludge Wave on Gastly is from Dream Isle or an event. It naturally doesn't learn the move. Sludge Bomb on the other hand, is a TM move and we don't have that in the game yet. If you scroll down to Egg Moves on http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/094.shtml, it shows which moves you can breed into Gengar.
  25. Reno


    They reduce it by 10 EVs each. I really wish there was a better way to do it like a reset bag or something
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