Did you know? Shade's Gengar was called Corey. I was literally like O-O
Anyway, Corey had his super fast Crobat and Shade had his super fast, painful Corey. They were really hard for me to deal with. Noel's Swellow was a pain though but died real fast and I had a fit when his uber wall Clefable came out. What's even harder though, was Charlotte and her Speed invested team. My Metagross had lots of Speed EVs in it and could barely outspeed half the team and my Noivern with its messed up EVs couldnt outspeed so many of them. Real terror especially when Thyplosion and Larvesta both had Grass moves and I think someone, Charizard?, had Solarbeam. Seriously, my only Water type was Swampert with his 4x weakness. Didn't really have trouble with anyone else, Radomus, Aya and Samson were really easy for my team.